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fASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 1, 1979
Page 5
It seems we have gotten ourselves away from the Almighty God who wants
us to depend upon Him and Him alone. All of these self-help things
we have been directed to--not in just the medical field, but in every­
thing--causes us to fall farther and farther away from God, until we
begin to wonder just what we do believe.
It has taken a long time for this thing to spread through the Church
and it will not go away quickly. The mind is a very complicated
thing, but in the hands of God it can be put back into the right
working order.
All of these self-help things may be great progress for the world out­
side of God, as that is all they have. But for those of us who know
God, we understand how He cares for us; we know His promises to never
leave us or let us down, but to help us in every situation whether
it be physical, mental or spiritual. Why would we ever want to leave
all of that and turn to the world's self-helps?
Man is so very limited. God is completely unlimited. Our minds can't
even grasp the extent of it. Yet God is holding it all out to us say­
ing, "Take it, it's yours." We are just required to reach out and
take it. Why turn down all of that and insist upon doing our own
--Mrs. Lavina Johnson (Hutchison, KS)
Your new booklet on "Healing" which I just finished reading has en­
lightened me in an area where I was obviously needing help. Your
Autobiography has forever convinced me that you are indeed the one
Christ has chosen for His great end-time commission.
--Mrs. Ursula Clark (Sebring, FL)
Brethren Come to Aid After Home Burns
Satan has really been after our family. Several months ago he caused
our new home to burn to the ground while we were attending the Night
to be Remembered with Church brethren. It was a very severe trial
as we had built the house ourselves and had put three years of even­
ings and Sundays into building it. We had just finished it six months
ago and were starting to enjoy it.
We are very thankful that God allowed us to be away a t the time of
the fire. However, we did lose our family pet, a toy poodle, which
my five-year-old son is having a hard time adjusting to. It has
taught us a good lesson not to become too attached or involved with
physical things in this life, but rather to get our minds on the
spiritual. It's hard starting over from scratch although we did have
good insurance, which we are very thankful for.
We are presently living with my father-in-law who is not in the Church.
He was shocked at how the people in the Church came to our aid as
soon as they heard. I had people shoving envelopes of money in my
purse, so many clothes we didn't know what to do with them all. One
lady said she didn't have anything to give so she brought us a big
cooler full of beef. My father-in-law just couldn't get over the
response from Church people when our own family didn't even really
help. What a fine example they set for him.
--Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brandes II (Fountain City, WI)