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Europe Concerned
American weakness, in Cuba, Iran and elsewhere, is having its effect upon
America's allies, specifically West Germany.
The newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, quoted earlier, also had some pointed
remarks about U.S. inaction during the Cuban crisis. In one editorial,
its editors said:
"The presence of an operational military unit of one
world power before the door of the other nuclear power remains a strategic
matter of explosive force...SALT is no longer involved. What is involved
is the credibility of American foreign policy and the effectiveness of
Washington's strategy. There is reason for uneasiness."
In another editorial, just before Washington backed down, the Frankfurt
daily remarked:
"The European allies are following with growing uneasiness the reaction of
the White House to the Soviet challenge in Cuba. Arrogance, indeed scorn
on the one side, Moscow's insistence upon its own interpretation of the
strategic situation; on the other side, a lack of plans, confusion and
helplessness on the part of the Americans.�fore the battle really begins,
the President-a:lready seems to have no arrow left in his quiver. The
American sovernment is carrying on a verbal strategy. Carter says he does
not want to tolerate the status quo--that is, the presence of the 'Bri­
gade' ...But he excluded any sort of military pressure. He considers a
blockade useless. He also knows that certain economic reprisals such as
stopping the export of wheat to Russia cannot be used as a political meas­
ure in the year before the elections, out of consideration for the Middle
Western farmers. But he has to do something, otherwise America stand�
before the world as a paper tiger ...The Europeans await deeds from their
stronge�aI�for their destiny and that of the Americans cannot be-­
Now, a month later, in Iran, America looks even more helpless--and stands
to lose vital oil imports as well.
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau