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PASTOR Gf�ERAL'S REPORT, November 20, 1979
Page 9
ielling novel of fiction.
It's definitely not fiction, but I
feel it should be a best seller.
He reveals so much that helps
one to find the loving and kind God.
--Alice Canterbury
(Naugatuck, WV)
I really appreciate and enjoy the endless amounts of literature
you've been sending me.
They have opened my eyes and under­
standing so much to God's Word.
I have never before experienced
learning such a pure and truthful clear-cut understanding of God's
Surely He is returning soon!!
--Linda Canary (Adrian, MI)
I have increased my knowledge tremendously by reading and
studying your literature.
At first I was very apprehensive,
but through prayer I've found your works are scriptural.
have been many unanswered questions in my mind that you have
shed light upon.
Thank you!
--Margaret Pannell
(Youngstown, OH)
Unusual Literature Request
I was married for 10 weeks and my wife nad me arrested over an
argument and I am in jail.
I would please appreciate it very much
if you would send me and my wife the book:
"Why Marriage!
C. (Scranton, PA)