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S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 2
And ALWAYS we left that session in my office in 100% agreement,
rejoicing in the fact that God was really leading us and binding us
closely together.
Jesus Christ,the HEAD of this Church,has been setting God's Church
back on the track this past year and a half.
The ministry is so much larger now--but we will get back to the same
oneness in God's Spirit we were then!
As soon as details are worked out, I will announce them.
I hope someone will give you a report in this "Report" about the
visit of the official Chinese delegation to our campus, and the dinner
night before last in the Faculty Dining Room. They are en route from Wash­
ington D.C. from conferences with President Carter and other government
officials, but made a special detour and stopove� from San Francisco to
visit the Ambassador campus.
Carry on full steam ahead, fellows--Jesus Christ is with us, because
now we are WITH HIM!
The much awaited ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Laughlin Waters came
down last Friday, December 14th.
Our motion for a stay of all discovery
and orders by state courts to turn over documents to the
state) was "denied, without comment."
Judge Waters gave no explanation
or qualifications, so for all practical purposes it was a flat "No."
For whatever reasons the judge ruled as he did, despite the extensive and
careful documentation of the extraordinary and unlawful abuses the Church
has suffered, Judge Waters denied our motion knowing full well that we had
appellate recourse and would go immediately to the 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals to seek emergency relief again, as we did in October concerning �r.
Rader's deposition.
It is felt by some that the denial will strengthen our case when we return
soon to the U.S. Supreme Court with a Writ of Certiorari now being pre­
pared by our lawyers.
All of the Church's attorneys are absolutely con­
vinced that the weight of the Constitution is in our favor.
Thus the
Church will exhaust every remedy available to it in this critical phase
in the State of California's sweeping legal attack.