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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 15
and reassured. Very soon thereafter, one by one, the problems
mentioned above began to abate. I had a lot of opposition from our
children and friends (who are not in the Church), but with the faith
God has given me, I stood firm in the knowledge and faith that God,
through our High Priest and soon-coming King and Savior, Jesus Christ,
would heal me.
By mid-July I was again attending Sabbath services and, I am very
happy to say, have been progressing rapidly in every area except
strength; and I know God is our strength and will increase mine as
I am able to handle it.
--Myron E. Shaffer (Columbus, OH)
About a month ago my 11-year-old daughter, Chandra, was very sick.
She has an enlarged heart, drainage from the heart, a defective left
valve and a spinal problem. The doctor said there is nothing they
can do to save her. I called Pasadena for an anointed cloth. That
night my daughter started to feel better, her swelling started to go
down. When I took her back to the doctor he was astonished to see
her in such good condition.
--Verna M. Allison (Prichard, AL)
During the Feast days I was struck down with an old leg injury which
was caused by a fall from the ro9f of our house while painting. I
was to go to the hospital and ha-ie surgery to correct a rupture in the
main artery of the groin. Well, the day before I was to be operated
on, I called and cancelled the surgery. At that time I didn't know
why but I do now. (We were studying the Truth in the Bahamas at the
time.) My leg was full of large marble-size lumps and very hot and
I was running a fever. So I was anointed by Mr. Ken Brady and he
gave me into God's hands and I'm completely healed.
--Jayne R. Cowart (Long Key, FL)
I want to inform you that I was healed of bursitis or a bursitis-like
condition at the Norfolk Feast site on the first High Day. I had
suddenly gotten the pain and swelling Wednesday (before the Feast)
at Work. The pain was tolerable, and the illness wasn't communicable,
so I decided to go to the Feast as planned. My shoulder hurt even
without pressure on it.
On the first High Day, the anointing announcement was made and I went
to that area right after services. The pain seemed to subside even
while I was being anointed. Then, during the sermon in the second
service, I knew I was healed. As soon as it was not disruptive to
others, I moved my left arm in circles and found I could do it with­
out pain and "kinking." Before, I couldn't even raise my left arm
to face level in front of me!
--Miss Jan M. Skipper (Harrisburg, PA)