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All Cornrnunists have been taught this program. They have been taught
that they know total world domination cannot be achieved without one final
all-out military war. For this purpose the Red Army was formed, and the
Russian nuclear development added. Its purpose meanwhile, was literal
defense--but even an offense like that now going on in Afghanistan is
termed by Communists "defense," or "liberation."
So, just where are we now, at the moment? We thought it was the
Chinese Communists that were backing North Vietnam in the war over there.
Vice-Chairman Tan Zhen-lin of the Standing Committee of the National
Peoples' Congress, one of the three top men in the Peoples' Republic of
China, told me it was Russia who actually backed the North Vietnamese,
and was promoting the "domino theory," which he said the Russians are still
pursuing. The Vice-Chairman was close to both the late Chairman Mao and
Premier Chou En-lai, and fought with them in the war.
Actually, what is taking place right now in Afghanistan is another
thrust on the "domino theory." By Monday, January 7, the Russians had
100,000 or more troops in Afghanistan, and more being massed at the border
ready to crash on through. The Russian boot is now planted in Afghanistan
and NOTHING short of SUPERIOR MILITARY FORCE is going to drive them back.
The "domino-type" strategy means they plan next, in due time, to
plunge on further south through Pakistan, giving them an outlet into the
Indian Ocean, from where they plan to control, with their superior nuclear
submarine fleet, all commerce to and from the Far East and the Middle East.
But more. The United States has been too busy concentrating its mind
solely on some 50 hostages in Iran to realize the GREATER turn of events
in Afghanistan. But local civil wars are sputtering in three or four
separate areas, against the Khomeini government in Iran. Iran is in TUR -
MOIL. It borders on Russia. This offers the Kremlin a logical reason,
from their viewpoint, to send massive troops into Iran to "settle the
turmoil and civil war," and bring "peace" to Iran. Of course, once the
Russian boot is planted in Iran, it will have no intention of removing
it. Iran, too, like Afghanistan, will become another Russian satellite
This is all part of Russia's ultimate goal to impose Communism on the
WORLD. Once they have formed a ring around the Far East and Middle East,
by dominating the Indian ocean, and completed the domino program of
toppling over adjacent nations from Vietnam on through Cambodia--Thailand
next (King Bhurnibal told me he expects the Vietnamese to invade Thailand)
--then Malaysia and on into the Indian Ocean at the point of Singapore-­
once they have achieved all that they will control all commerce through
Asia, the Far East and Middle East--then they have only the west to con­
Meanwhile the "domino" strategy and toppling the nations adjoining
The European allies of the U.S. know that somewhere along the way in
this master plan for world Comrnunism is going to be a military invasion
next door to the west--into WESTERN EUROPE! Of course first must come
iomination around Southern Africa.