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,January 1.7, 1980
'rhank you and all that made it possible for us to experience this
history-making occasion through the two tape cassettes sent for
--Kenneth H. Williams (Pasadena, CA)
What really amazed me was the way it [the Message] was delivered with
strength and authority and yet without offending anyone. I know with
God all things are possible.
--Mrs. Eileen L. Loftin (Richmond, VA)
It was exciting news to hear of the reception you had in the People's
Republic of China; and it's a special moment for me to hear how the
Word of Christ was delivered before the leaders of this country, which
doesn't believe or know about the great God of Heaven we are serving.
--Oben M. Letsela (Manhattan, KS)
Congratulations on your successful China trip. I was impressed with
the way you delivered our message.
--Mike Snipes (Newland, NC)
We had the tape in our Sabbath services and to hear you giving the
message to the Chinese was a pleasure. You sounded like you did
the first time I heard you speak.
I think you did a beautiful job.
--Jerusha Randolph (Trenton, NJ)
We heard the tape last Sabbath (Dec. 15th) of the powerful message
of the coming Kingdom of God that you delivered to the nation of
It was thrilling to realize that I was privileged to actually
hear prophecy being fulfilled. Now we can begin praying for your
success in Russia after God opens the door for your witness to the
land of God and Magog.
--Jerald M. Wendelboe (Des Moines, IA)
Congratulations on your trip to the People's Republic of China. I
especially enjoyed the tape with Chinese interpretation interposed.
That might sound funny, but hearing the interpretation reminded me
of your audience. I tried to place myself in your audience. I
wondered what they were thinking as they heard you....
--Monty Lahr (Bemidji, MN)