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Ministerial Refreshing Program and the Conference
Over the past months, Mr. Armstrong has been extremely pleased with the
direction the Church has taken as Christ used him to set it back on God's
The Pastor General's Report has provided an effective tool by
which he can communicate with each minis-
ter directly, and via this means,
the overall responsiveness of the Church has been pleasing.
On another matter, although related in this case, we have made a major
amendment to the new ministerial refreshing program, in that wives will
now accompany their husbands for the three weeks of lectures, seminars,
and fellowship in Pasadena. I know you will all be very pleased about
this. This will add another dimension to the refreshing program, enhanc­
ing the warm social contact and relaxation as well as the formal updating
sessions that are planned.
Within a reasonable length of time in which we'll be able to get around to
everyone, both you and your wife will be able to have contact with college
faculty and staff, with the various departments of the Church and support
departments of the Work.
In light of the new program for the ministry about to start in July, and
the contact Mr. Armstrong is able to have with the ministers via the Pastor
General's Report, he has re-evaluated the need for a full ministerial con­
ference in the middle of this year, and has decided to forego it for now.
A further consideration was the expenses that would be incurred. When
weighed against the benefits expected at this point, it was felt that the
sum needed to pay for a full conference would perhaps be more valuable if
put into other areas now.
I know it will be disappointing for many who were anticipating the confer­
ence and the time of fellowshipping together.
However, if we did not face
these factors realistically, we wouldn't be good stewards of the responsi­
bilities entrusted to us.
The most encouraging aspect is Mr. Armstrong's confidence in the ministry
which is reflected in his decision to delay a conference until later.
We appreciate your hard work with those God has called into His end-time
Church, and your warm support of Mr. Armstrong and his staff here. So
let's keep the faith and spread it, as we have been commissioned to do.
News About the Spanish-Speaking Area of God's Work
A new program was initiated during the summer of 1979 in which card
holders containing cards offering a free trial subscription to La Pura
Verdad were distributed in various areas. This promotion was designed
especially for areas where the Work has done little or no advertising
and/or promotion since the Spanish edition of The PLAIN TRUTH came into
existence. It has proved very economical and has increased the subscrip­
tion list substantially in some areas since last summer, as the following
figures show: Argentina 2600; Chile 3400; Peru 600; Spain 600; Uruguay 100.