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-&aftpllot.Nby WallMueioi
SENIOR ARMSTRONG RETURNS - Herbert Armstrong, bead of the
worldwide Church of God and father of Garner Ted Armstrong, a.irwave
..v;;ngelist. made a vigorous appearance to deny reports of disunity in the
·hurch he built and to outline its future plans. In the above picture, Ar­
m;;trong gestures his thanks for applause while in the lower shot, be ges­
i111 �··•. as if to emphasize his position of dominance.
Senior i\rmstrong shows
----"···-- he's in ch
·ge of church
'Uall Wrller
,i r1Lling ,:vnt;uentiy ;:,n iHu,l<i .
!n:;t,n:aoly ,Jre�sLod in J •fan,. pm·
lr:u,·d �u,t. tht! ">1lver-lia1red ?,,lr·,­
,rd, �toOfl fur a moment wllh arms
1sec. acl'�pt1ng the thuncJerous
,pplause. t!ien settlL-d. Hible in hand,
. ,it,, a h11�e le,llher chair.
· .v,th \he same majiUl'�H: ·101<:'.! that
... ,;n rhousantls of !o!i•lwers -wring
r1� · ,o v,:;.ir··:
a worldwide radw
.. van�•-·11:,t .111J �rn;s•.:arv �t r:hnst.
!l•!rhcrt \•; ,;.rms'.rnnl!, a1m()u1:crid �,e
" 1:t ·a•ill::� t,1 . !erusait!m nt·xt :nornh.
tliere to de<l1caL, J chlidr+:r1 s ;it;;\/ ·
;. :r·•linr1 h11il1 w;th funr:h ;-, ... n '1,.
. \:nba:;:;.,<ior;1c1<)/l,.tl Cultur:11
And ,n J few mcl"ncnts his nroaJ
JOWis :;hook wnh energy as he ca ile<l
on tt,e throng to sustdm his "
cnn:rr.1ss1un · to firoclaim tht 5 ood
'.Jews oi the co,t:,n,{ Krngcom ,,i
(i<><l. .
ths prc:�un·. Y!t,r:,r.t mannl::'r :.nJ
slJtern,!Jil ..;�gri.J!•"1.! '.c, U�t� loyal :h.).!
h1� ..
H:d no 1Jne e . �;,· 1.--: 111 charge oi
·�he ·-.
o!'"k. · r.hat thert! \� no trouol:_,
rn •.Jw ·.JiUls. th.,! under !us ie.:1der ·
:.�.iµ tl'lt- eill r,, .v:,rn •lie world "•,1. ·111
-,··,rn to P,11\1, A17
of the
,,,--. .
church he put
Continued from Page Al
gu forward as never before," and
that he is physically and mentally
Other than lo mention he still get!!
a liltle tired and he needs exercise.
th(· evangelist gave no hint of debili­
tation from the heart attack that has
kept him home in Tucson since last
At 85. the charismatic !uader of
ti5.000 followers i .n the Worldwide
Church of God said he believes his
he..irt i.nd health are better than be­
fore the illness. "Li anything, I '.Im
not over 55 years old in mental abili­
,y he said
l ;.rn coming along fine.· he said,
.; nnounc:ng his readiness lo resume
h:·, ;;ki�-etr'cling journeys lo meet
-.,·1t:1 "kings and presidents and
· -:--h<:! trip from Tucson lo Ambassa­
du� College for lwo :iddrcsses before
,,\·,•rflow l:row,ls on Friday and Sa·
turda·1 was like a fami!� · reunion. He
was itad tu .-;ee thP. thmngs. and their
st;incimg o,·a t wn 3howed their devo­
ti('n to their leader.
Im ,:llming back into active ser·
,· 1,oi: · said Armstrong. vowing that
im;-Wtirk 1'. going to be increased.
As if t,, quell any thoughts of trou­
ble i� th·-· !l!adPrship ranks. one of the
first remarks he made was. "We.'re
H1 ,·.,mpl
'le unity . .
Ht· ,!al riot dPline that ,·,·rH;nwnt
hu: :'. ,1e,,:rn•,j a rl'ferenct• lo rumors
ttl<-1t he ant! 111s s,,n. radio :mci tclev1-
,, .. n ,,, :in1o?el1s1 Garner Ted .\r ·
mstrcr..g. whom he removed lasl
weeK L·om all executive and admm-
1s: � :i :i ve responsibilities in the
Wor:.1w1de C:hurrh of God and Am ·
:;as,,,rlor ( 'oi!egr. art' involved in .;
11<,._..,.., "u ,hgl,• <1r are in serious uh­
. t!tkr :\rmstron;.: m.;de only
1:;,s111g ,,.'!l•r·c>nce t,J his son who was
, ,1, :' IC!!, ,u,, I,\ n Is ..1 bsence f rorn the·