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The U.S. and Britain in Prophecy have increased significantly over the
past several weeks.
New doors continue to open to God's Work in Canada. The past month brought
three additional T.V. stations for The World Tomorrow. The program in Sas­
katoon and Swift Current is to begin in May and the major Toronto network,
Global, beginning in September. (It is said that if Canada should develop
a third nationwide T.V. network, Global would be the most likely contend­
er) .
offer to display newsstand issues of The PLAIN TRUTH in hotels in
Ontario came through in April. This will be effective from June through
September in the "Golden Horseshoe" area.
The organization responsible for this distribution recently succeeded in
placing La Pure Verite and The PLAIN TRUTH in 92 major supermarkets in
Quebec, a breakthrough in that market. PLAIN TRUTH and La Pure Verite
subscriptions are approaching 200,000, the goal for rnid-1980. Latest
statistics show the following:
350,000 (bimonthly)
50,000 (monthly)
God's blessing continues to be evident in so many ways, not the least of
which is the financial area. Income for April shows a 19% increase and
Holy Day offerings for Unleavened Bread 26% ahead of last year, giving
� year-to-date increase of 20%.
Update From New Zealand/South Pacific Area
The big activity in New Zealand during April was the distribution of over
a half million householder cards to letterboxes throughout the nation.
Most of the cards were delivered by church members who enjoy this annual
opportunity to get involved in helping the Work get done. This year's
householder card advertises The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and also offers a
copy of our new booklet, "Bring Back the Family." The same week a large
advertisement was run in some of New Zealand's leading newspapers and
magazines. By the end of the month over 2400 householder cards had been
returned with hundreds more corning in the mail every day.
The Passover and Unleavened Bread festival season at the beginning of the
month was very encouraging and inspiring. Total attendance for the Pass­
over was 557--an 11.4% increase over last year. The average nationwide
attendance for the two holydays was 891--an increase of 19.6% over 1979.
The combined offering for the two days showed an increase of 35.5%.
With recent Church growth three new churches have been established, bring­
ing the total number of congregations in that part of the world to seven­
teen. Two of the new churches are in the Auckland area, and in June a
new Church will begin in Rotorua. These new Church locations will help
cut down travelling time and expense for many of our members.
One piece of sad news is that the Fijian Broadcasting Service has can­
celled The World Tomorrow broadcast each Sunaay over their six stations.
Apparently, the SDA's applied for time for their "Voice of Prophecy"