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VOL.2, N0.27
Activities in the French-Speaking Areas
JULY 3, 1980
Still more fruit is being born in the Caribbean, according to the follow­
ing report from the French Department:
Months after Mr. Apartian's campaign in Guadeloupe last November, our
pastor there, Mr. Erik Dubois, tells us
a lady called
saying she
would like to attend services with her daughter. He also visited another
lady who had not only attended Mr. Apartian's last campaign, but also the
previous one in February 1979. It looks like the seeds sown in Guadeloupe
sometimes take a while to germinate!
Five new persons now attend Sabbath services in Martinique following Mr.
Apartian's campaigns held last November. The political tensions have now
subsided in Martinique, although this is only temporary.
La Pure Verite:
In an effort to increase our readership of the PV, 2,000
renewal offers were sent to former PV subscribers in the Paris, Bordeaux,
and Lyon areas. By June 2, we already had 201 responses. As a result,
3,863 renewal letters are being sent to all of France. Since we've had
such a good response, we will be offering the same opportunity to our
former readers in Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Following Mr. Schnee's initiative to offer The PLAIN TRUTH in German,
English, Spanish, French and Dutch, 247 persons have responded requesting
La Pure Verite. We are very excited about those results.
Fair Booth: Mr. Jean Carion, pastor of the Brussels and Lille churches,
has just written us about a small booth he set up at the Lille Fair to
advertise La Pure Verite and several other booklets. Although many people
couldn't believe the offer was actually free, 732 subscribed at the Fair.
Subscription cards are still being mailed in bringing the total up so far
to over 750 new subscriptions.
Brethren from three church areas in Cameroon "celebrated" the local Labor
Day holiday on May 1 at the residence of their local minister, Mr. Ray
Clore, living for the time being in Douala. A total of 28 persons played
card games, checkers, and board games in the morning until about 11:00
when the Walt Disney film, "The Boatniks" was shown. After the film, the
Church presented gifts to a newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
Teupa. An African meal of fried plantain, beef in hot sauce and specially
prepared fish followed the presentation. The games and fellowship con­
tinued until 5 p.m. This was the first time that brethren from Victoria,
about 50 miles west of Douala, and Edea, about 60 miles south east of
Douala, had been able to meet together with the brethren in Douala itself
for a combined social occasion.
On Pentecost, 40 persons assembled at Douala, of which 24 were adults.
The atmosphere was one of the friendliest and most encouraging.