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the kind of fruit God ie l�oking for and reap the harvest
lives committed to God's Way of life. In the weeks and months ahead,
we hope to see new programs inaugurated which should cause the church
lo go forward A• nevor. before in fulfilling the commission of Jesus
. . . . . .
It is now Tuesday morning, and in just a few minutes we will
begin our first meeting with the area coordinatots in my office. By
now most of you have probably heard various rumors about recent
developments regarding Mr. Ted Armstrong. Instead of trying to
recount some of the details in this letter, I am having an article
that appeared in this morning's Pasadena Star-News reproduced in this
Pastor's Report. You can feel free to discuss parts of the article
with the members. Use your own judgment as to how much of it you
read to your congregation.
That's it for now. I must go to the meeting. Keep encouraging
the people of God.
In Christ's service,
C. Wayne Cole
FINANCIAL AFFAIRS UPDATE As many of you may already know, Mr. Herbert
Armstrong has started making half hour television broadcasts on the
weekly Sabbath in Tucson. They will begin airing either at the end
of June or the first part of July, finishing up the contracts that
we have had for the Garner Ted Armstrong program. The new program
will be titled "The World Tomorrow with Herbert W. Armstrong," as it
had been in the past. A new 13-week schedule for Mr. Armstrong's
programs is being scheduled with our agency, with time buying slots
to be made starting in July or August of this year.
The programs will obviously be more religious in content and will be
consistent with the PLAIN TRUTH magazine which will be correlated
with a positive religious approach emphasizing the corning government
of God. All programs will then be directly correlated to focus on a
consistency of content between television, radio, PT, booklets, and
the subscriber development program. In doing so we anticipate
considerable shortening of the cycle between the time when a person
first responds to the media and his first direct contact with the
Church. This will not only save money, but most certainly should
affect the direct growth of the Church.
With the recent decisions made by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, various
budgetary improvements have been realized for the Church. First,
the recent decision to close the undergraduate program in Pasadena
and formulate a new academic structure geared more to the present
needs of the Church has resulted in millions of dollars worth of
annualized savings. This will not only help balance the 1978/79