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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 2
I have heard roosters make a loud raucous squawk when being captured for
a Sunday dinner when I was a boy, but just never had been "educated" to
call that "music."
When as a boy I worked one summer in a flour mill, to the constant
"beat" of the machinery till it nearly drove me crazy, I somehow never
realized that was "music."
Please bear with me in my ignorance.
I do remember, when I was in England at the college just before the
mid-60s, the "Beatles" were breaking into public notice. They had a new
"way out" style, with an idiotic mop-topped hair style, with hair covering
the forehead to the eyebrows, the ears, and longer hair in the back of the
head. The forehead is the seat of intellect--the mark of intelligence
instead of animal non-intelligence. They started the style of male hair­
do to turn evolution into reverse--man was becoming dumb brute animal.
Then followed the era of the hippies, men wearing real long hair like
Even the president of the United States had adopted a hair style
combing hair down over about half the forehead.
Of the Beatles, Lennon seemed to be the "brains," and his boyhood and
life had been troubled and disturbed. He was seeking something that would
satisfy. He even delved into religion and politics. But he was influ­
enced by eastern psychedelic and demon influences. His voice was the most
gritty, raucous and hard, angry, driving, determined of the group. Yet
he became like mild putty in the hands of his Japanese wife. In later
years he became the househusband, tending the child and house duties while
the dominating wife supervised investments and business matters.
In his search for something that would satisfy his troubled mind, he
went into things mystic and psy.:.nedelic--not realizi::g they were Satan
influenced. He got out albums with nude covers.
In a way the Beatles started this modern trend in a new Satan­
influenced lifestyle of a degenerating culture and sense of social values.
But John Lennon was the mind-leader in this.
It picked up what had been started by Frank Sinatra, when teen-age
girls ran screaming half out of their minds for his autograph. It was
revived and intensified by Elvis Presley. Then the Beatles delivered
Satan's knockout blow to any public sense of social values in the world.
The hippie fad followed. Down went morality, rising triumphantly was
promiscuous sex, "pot," drugs, divorce, broken homes.
The world will deify and worship one who can start humanity on such
a downward plunge. Lennon left a fortune, managed by his Japanese wife,
of some $230 million--but THAT'S OK with the public--as long as he was in
"Show-Biz" and leading a misguided humanity further into Satan's way of
Lennon even made the statement at one time that the Beatles were more
popular than Jesus Christ. He had MILLIONS--untold MILLIONS of worship­