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International News
DECEMBER 26, 1980
Spanish Department Report The latest income reports continue to show a
substantial increase in all the Latin American countries. The year-to-date
increase is an encouraging 73.4 percent overall!
Following are excerpts from a letter from Mario Seiglie, the minister in
Santiago, Chile. His words seem to sum up the feeling of the ministers
and brethren in the Spanish-speaking areas of God's Work.
On November 15, both churches (Temuco and Santiago) joyfully cele­
brated the successful rout in the California Court case. The lesson
driven home for us was how vital the "trunk" of the Church is in
relation to the branches (the rest of the countries, including Chile)
of God's Work. If the trunk at headquarters would have been taken
the flow of nourishment would have ceased with the consequent
withering--how astute is the devil! Mr. Armstrong's recent point
about not having a Spanish, French, Australian, or German Work (trunk)
was extremely timely.
Here in Santiago, the Church is drawing closer together spiritually
and socially. Income and visit requests are up and each Sabbath
there are new faces in the crowd. We know God will continue to pro­
vide the growth accordingly.
In recent months, efforts have been made to increase Spanish PLAIN TRUTH
(La PURA VERDAD) circulation in certain countries where little, if any,
advertising of La PURA VERDAD has been done. One of those areas is the
country of Spain, with a population of 37,000,000 highly literate and
sophisticated people.
Recently, a few small ads have been placed in the
daily LEVANTE, printed in Valencia, Spain's third largest city, and EL
PAIS, of Madrid. This advertising, combined with a special gift subscrip­
tion offer that was mailed to La PURA VERDAD subscribers as well as a card­
holder display program maintained by only five Spanish members, will net
an estimated 2500 new subscribers by late January. In just four months
we expect the mailing list in Spain to triple!
Since July, nearly 5,000 new subscribers have been added at a very low
cost (approximately 18 cents U.S.) as a result of a July PV card insert.
The insert was placed in subscriber issues destined for selected countries
where PV circulation has been low compared to total population. The
response has been double what was expected and has bolstered circulation
in such countries as Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and the Dominican
Latest News From Canada November has been a very busy month as Mr. Fahey
assumed his new responsibilities in Canada. Already he has visited the
churches in Toronto, Winnipeg and Regina and conducted ministerial meetings