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Church attendance has also been increasing steadily during this quarter.
We have now registered an increase of 12% over the same period last year.
Urgent Prayer Request
Paul Ivicevic, Local Church Elder in San Diego, and his wife Bea, are both
suffering from cancer. He is fast approaching the place where he will be
unable to be up and around.
He is beginning to have trouble breathing.
Bea has a large lymph growth on the left side of her neck and is growing
thinner and weaker.
It is a most unusual trial when a husband and wife
are both afflicted with this dread disease at the same time.
Paul has certainly been a dedicated and loyal servant to the Church and
as a whole. He was instrumental in helping coordinate the
efforts of the San Diego church durinq the recent Church-State confron­
Both Paul and his wife urgently need our prayers for God's
intervention at this time of great need in their lives.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The Refreshing Prograw is like a united army bearing the Holy
Spirit,sending unity and binding His Church in His true doctrine
once again. There is a definite difference in those that have
been refreshed and those who are yet to have the privilege. A
gleam in the eye, a snap in the step and a quickened heartbeat
rejoicing in the wholesome Spirit which prevailed.
Thank God He inspired the Refreshing Program; It was direly
needed. To all the instructors and your wives, your· dedication
and sacrifices in your personal lives did not go unnoticed.
Gil and Nancy Goethals
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We've just concluded the Ministerial Refreshing Program and have
been rewarded beyond our expectations. The program you have
provided is fulfilling in so many ways--studying basic doctrines
of God's great plan, experiencing the example of everyone co­
operating together, enjoying the atmosphere of Ambassador
College, renewing and developing friendships in the ministry;
but most of all seeing everyone in Pasadena locking arms to
support you in doing the Work. The cooperation of all in the
Work is a beautiful situation and is inspiring to everyone in
God's Church. Truly, coming in for the Ministerial Refreshing
Program was a refreshing experience!
Your example of driving effort in fulfilling the great commission
of warning the world and announcing the good news to come is one
that is inspiring the whole ministry and church to a greater
effort in support of you. We are totally behind you in your
Dan and Marilee Fricke
(ContinuPd on Paoe 4)