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VOL.3, N0.6
And What Was it, and How Organized,
in 1933, and from A.D. 31-70?
Herbert W. Armstrong
FEBRUARY 6, 1981
The Work of God, and the organization and government of the Church of
God, underwent radical changes from 31-70 A.D. to 1933, and also from 1933
to the present.
We need now to stop and get our perspective. Was it as it should
have been in 1933? Is it TODAY?
Radical and significant changes have occurred in the world during
these intervals. Yet the same Church of God has continued--not, in the
years 1927-33, as it should have been. Yet it was the only body of be­
lievers on earth that had the true name, the "commandments of God and the
faith of Jesus."
WHY The Church?--Its PURPOSE
The PURPOSE for which Christ built the Church exemplifies its WORK-­
its activities. And Christ, through the New Testament, gives us the
pattern by which it, as a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM (not a human or worldly
organization) should be organized to carry on its WORK.
The PURPOSE, like most things in God's PLAN, is dual: 1) to ANNOUNCE
for a witness to the world the coming Kingdom of God (the true Gospel).
To prepare the way for Christ's coming.
2) To prepare the people whom God adds to the Church
Bride of Christ. To "feed the flock" on spiritual food.
overcome Satan, grow in grace and spiritual character and
edge to become immortal, divine GOD-PERSONS--ruling under
and priests spiritually.
to become the
The Church must
spiritual knowl­
Christ as kings
The CHURCH shall be built to be the spiritual TEMPLE to which Christ
shall come (Mal. 3:1). Yet this Malachi prophecy is speaking primarily
of preparing for Christ's second coming, as verses 2-5 clearly show.
John the Baptist's preparing the way before Jesus' first,human coming
was therefore a TYPE foreshadowing one in the same power and spirit pre­
paring the way for His coming as KING of kings and LORD of lords to RULE
ALL NATIONS. John the Baptist put emphasis on the LAW (or way) of God,
and calling to REPENTANCE. So the Apostle leading today's Church must
explain world evils caused by transgressing God's Law of "GIVE" (outflow­
ing LOVE) by living the way of ''GET"--calling to repentance and announcing
the World Tomorrow under the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, by the KINGDOM OF GOD.