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When this European combine -- politically, militarily, religiously,
with a common currency -- occurs, our work will be just about over
and it will be well for us to HEED that warning!�
Now, as the world awaits in anxious suspense the election of the
next Pope, it is well that we realize that our days to finish God's Work
may be fast closing in on us! This time, the Pope electP<l MAY BE THE��
ONE that will signify the imminency of the GREAT TRIBULATION.
This is the time of the trial and test of GOD'S PEOPLE! (Dan.
12:9, 10.) We are in the process of�eing the living HEAD of God's
Church, Jesus Christ, enthroned once again along with the GREAT MAJESTIC
GOD in our hearts as never before! GOD'S CHURCH is now striving with
God's power to root out liberalism, secularism and spiritual lethargy
and neglect from our midst! God's Church and Work has been completely
turned around in the past two months.
We are, praise to our Leader Jesus Christ, now making a NEW START
in the right direction!
We need to be AWAKE and plunge with renewed vigor into the work
before us, for the night draweth on when no man can work!
Let us GIVE as never before, of our P-arnest and heart-rending
PRAYERS for God's Work, and for those Christ is using in it -- in
our enthusiasm and warm-hearted encouragement and support -- both in
attitude and words, and in tithes and offerings -- that God's Work now
* * * * *
MEDIA increases in radio and television
coverage continue to mount for Mr. Herbert Armstrong's programs. We
have now purchased time on six additional 50,000 watt stations bringing
the total number of 50 KW stations to 22. Our total number of radio
stations (including 50,000 watters) has increased to 77, and the total
number of television stations is 45. New stations are being added
daily. Mr. Armstrong is now on radio Sunday through Friday six days
a week, and on television one half hour weekly.
In addition to this, the media ad campaign for the Modern Romans
booklet begins today (August 7th) on TV stations all across the country,
with spot ads running at an average of 20 to 30 ads per week for an
initial three-week period. These spot ads will be running throughout
the day and will be carefully monitored for telephone response after
each ad is shown in order to evaluate the most effective times to
advertise. We are anticipating in excess of 20,000 responses per week
to the Modern Romans ad. These ads will be followed shortly by Plain
Truth advertisements for which we anticipate a large response as well.
INCOME continues to come in on schedule and the fiscal year-to-
date figure through July 31st is running at a plus six percent. The
anticipated annual budget looks good -- we are in a better financial
position now than we have been in the last two and a half years. In
August we normally have to draw down large amounts on our lines of