Page 21 - COG Publications

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Once the pastors in the
eld have been notified of app�oved ordina­
tions and dates, John
Robinson's office will also have been notified;
therefore, Church pastors wi.11 be responsible to noti,fy him directly
of any changes in plans.
WATS Calls to Ministerial Serv�ces: We now have a direct line into
Ministerial Services' office (_not Pastoral Administration). Now
you may ask directly for the personnel in our office with whom you
would like to speak, instead of leaving a "call back'' request th�t
delays your business as you wait at your telephone for a return call.
is progressively increasing the involvement of our donors with the
Work, The Subscriber Development section of MPC rep
orts tha
t results
of the first four months of this fiscal year show that the percerita � e
donors responding monetarily has risen 64% compared to last year.
In four months over 20,000 donors contributed through the Newsletter,
whereas a year ago only 15,000 had contributed, even though ther�
were 23% more donors on the mailing list at that time.
The increase in donor response is very encouraging. As the mailing
list grows (and people are subsequently led to become donors), we
hope to see a corresponding increase in co-worker potential.
Mail Count:
Through December 9 we have received 1,783,264 letters
and 478,341 WATS calls for the year.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing
FESTIVAL OFFICE UPDATE Opinion Survey: Thank you for the enthusi­
astic participation in Mr. Ted Armstrong's op
nion survey evaluating
the speakers at the Feast of Tabernacles. To date, we have received
about a 50% response which has provided a fairly comprehensive over­
view. However, we would like to hear from the rest of you. Please
excuse the omission of a deadline date in the questionnaire. To
enable us to prepare a report for Mr. Armstrong before the conference,
please return your survey form by December 26th. So, if you have
not yet made your impressions known, "may we have your opinion .
. ? "
Jekyll Island Festival Site Dropped: Due to a combination of fac­
tors beyond our control, Jekyll Island will have to be dropped as
a festival site for 1978. Considering the seating limitations in
the auditorium (especially in the light of increasing requests from
northern cities to transfer to a southern site) and the recent clos­
ure of major hotel/motel facilities, we are forced to look elsewhere
for an acceptable alternate site. Two major on-island hotels closed
prior to the festival this year and the Sand Dollar Hotel declared
bankruptcy October 3, 1977. Together these facilities housed approxi­
mately 1,250 members on the island. So, in spite of the continued
popularity of Jekyll, these conditions necessitate our move to another
area. Negotiations are now under way with another seacoast resort,
and we should be able to make an announcement soon.
Festival Seminar: For those pastors seeking· a keener insight
Feast of Tabernacles planning, they should include one of the four­
teen scheduled Festival seminars in their plans while at the confer­
ence. Among the subjects you'll be interested in learning about are:
1) The new ministerial policy on Festival tithe, including transfers.
2) How you can participate in future festival site selection. 3) The