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VOL.3, NO. 21
Robert E. Fahey
MAY 22, 1981
Wednesday, May 13th, was the first day of the two-day Australian minĀ­
isters' conference.
Almost all the Aussie ministry, even local church
elders from across the vast continent, were there to hear and meet Mr.
Armstrong. Attendance was 101 ministers and wives.
H.W.A. had been experiencing some difficulty with his heart in the
mornings on the trip, but he wanted to be with and speak to the assembled
church leadership. So even though he was not feeling the best, he took the
morning meeting to kick off the conference.
He began by explaining the overview of God's purpose in giving mankind
physical existence. God gave humans a temporary consciousness for a time
of character building.
The material goods and physical knowledge we
accumulate during this time will be of no use to us in the Kingdom of God.
All we will take with us is the CHARACTER that we build during this brief,
physical existence. Godly character is the qualifier for LIFE!
(You may
wish to read John 5, 6 and 10. It will have new LIFE in it!)
Then he began to explain to the ministers how he sticks to the OVERVIEW
and that he expects us to back him up and fill in the details so the flock
will have a complete understanding of God's way of LIFE.
But just as he began to get specific about the minister's job, he told
us that his heart was beginning to trouble him and that he would have to
stop. He decided to stay right in his chair. He asked for oxygen to help
him breathe more easily. Aaron Dean went to get the oxygen and I told
everyone to take a break. Mrs. Armstrong and I went to him to offer what
help we could. Everyone in the room prayed, asking God to give His Apostle
STRENGTH. After about 10 minutes, Mr. Armstrong stood up, began to rotate
his shoulders, walked around the room swinging his arms and lifting his
ankles under him to increase circulation. The meeting was reconvened. Mr.
Armstrong took his chair again and continued where he left off--but his
power seemed to be doubled! The people I talked with afterwards said they
were all thinking of the same Scripture--zechariah 4:6!
He then said our job was to feed the congregation under our charge the
spiritual food of GOD'S WORD. That is what enables God's children to GROW!
He said that is wasn't enough that we all speak the same thing--we must all
speak the RIGHT thing--that which is right in God's eyes. If any minister
had a question in which he felt Mr. Armstrong was wrong in some way, he
should not begin spreading it among the membership. He should discuss it
first with his church pastor or Mr. Morton. If those men could not help
taken to Mr. Armstrong. If
man were right,
Mr. Armstrong would acknowledge the point. H.W.A wants to be in complete