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VOL. 3, NO. 30
JULY 24, 1981
Wednesday last week Mr. Armstrong addressed two meetings in Pasadena. The
morning meeting was for all department heads and other managers of the Work
here. The Council of Elders was also present. I am told this was the first
time Mr. Armstrong has spoken to such a group of leaders in Pasadena since
1976. The purpose of the meeting was to provide all the department heads
and supervisors in all branches of the Work here with an overview of the
direction Mr. Armstrong wants them to be working for the rest of the year.
He also wanted to give overall principles and direction.
Mr. Armstrong opened the meeting by mentioning that for many years he had
been away from Pasadena as Christ opened doors before him to meet world
leaders all around the globe. During the last four years after his complete
heart fr.ilure, he had been out of touch with the day-to-day operations of
the Work. But since his return to Pasadena he has come to see that he needs
to spend most of his time here and intends to do so. Mr. Armstrong then
introduced me to give more specifics on the direction he wants the Work to
take over the next several months.
I mentioned that we all hold positions of responsibility in God's govern­
ment. Part of that responsibility is to be a wise steward and to make sure
our financial commitments on behalf of God's Work are sound and based on
real need. We should remember, too, the way Christ has led Mr. Armstrong
these many years in doing things in the best possible way. And so when a
department makes a request for additional monies, the request should be
based both on genuine need and the desire to follow the Godly course of
striving for the highest standards. The Great Commission is, of course,
our primary job. And that is where we must expend more of the funds God has
blessed us with.
I then introduced Mr. Leroy Neff, Church Treasurer, who gave a more de­
tailed explanation of our current financial standing.
With regard to
planning departmental budgets, he stressed the need to hold the budgets at
current levels or even decrease them with the intention of placing addi­
tional monies into the Great Commission. He continued by encouraging the
department heads to examine their manpower levels and to be sure that we are
all operating at maximum efficiency.
In closing, he emphasized Mr.
Armstrong's desire to push ahead once again with the Great Commission.
Mr. Armstrong then made some concluding remarks. The government of God, he
said, is only found in one place on earth today--in God's own Church. There
is government in the Church of God, and unless we are in harmony under that
government we will not succeed. Mr. Armstrong explained that we all must
walk together in agreement with Christ. He ended by asking everyone, "Are
you with me?" The response was an immediate, loud "Yesl" It was truly
pleasant to see the unity the meeting produced. The joy and appreciation
for God's government, for Mr. Armstrong and for the opportunity and privi­
lege of being called now with a part in that government, was expressed by
many afterwards.