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Never has there been a book like it.
Jesus Christ inspired it -- I feel that I was merely like a
stenographer, typing it so it could be printed. Therefore I think
I may say freely and SINCERELY, I feel this book, The Incredible
HUMAN POTENTIAL, is the most important writing since the finishing
of the Bible itself, at the end of the first century.
I believe you will find it SPEAKS AS NO MAN HAS SPOKEN IN OUR
TIME! It is truly eye-opening. It is SHOCKING! It is GRIPPING with
interest -- and a dynamic presentation of CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO MANKIND
the Message hidden from the world for 19 centuries.
It will be a QUALITY book -- not a paperback, but full book
length -- and will be also available at book stores about Passover
time next year, all over the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa, and other English-speaking countries.
We have never before published a book of this character and
quality, and of necessity it will have a price on it -- otherwise we
could not give it this worldwide distribution through book stores.
For the world, outside of God's Church, it will be STARTLING,
I have been working long and hard on it these past months, in
addition to the other responsibilities I have had to assume in taking
back to myself full executive leadership in God's Church, College,
Foundation, and Work.
Look forward to it! All income from its sale will go into God's
Church -- not to me or any other individual.
* * * * * *
by Herbert W. Armstrong
A few weeks ago, I published in both the Pastors' Report and the
GOOD NEWS, some material specially prepared at my request by David
Antion, to the effect that "GOSSIP AND ACCUSATIONS MUST STOP!"
I personally felt a little foolish when a minister called on the
telephone to congratulate me on publishing that, mentioning that I
myself had started a rumor that he had written an anonymous letter to
the ministry some two or three months ago. What I had said to not more
than two was said in confidence, and not as an accusation, or to start
a rumor. Nevertheless, it got to him.
I admitted that, based on at least three circumstantial evidences,
I had on two occasions mentioned the possibility the letter could have
been written by this minister.
"I'm very sorry," I said, "but I thought I said what I did in
confidence, and at least three circumstances indicated it could have
been you. But if you say you did not write it, I believe you!"