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plus a number of younger, qualified church members who will take part in the
dig, paying their own expenses. Mr. Dick Paige will again serve as director
of this Ambassador College Archaeological Project. We are including stu­
dents from both Pasadena and Big Sandy in the 1982 dig.
Also, Mr. Armstrong recently approved our sending a fourth group of stu­
dents to Thailand to take part in the Ambassador College Educational Pro­
gram in Thailand {ACEPT). We plan to send ten students in the new group,
and one or two students presently serving in Thailand will remain behind-­
in order to provide continuity to our ACEPT program. And Mr. Steve Pelfrey
will remain in Thailand to continue serving as Project Director of ACEPT.
Steve is a graduate of Ambassador and has done a very fine job. (Additional
details of ACEPT and the "Big Dig" will appear in the next issue of The
Mr. Richard F. Ames, Director of Admissions, informs me that we have now
received approximately 1500 requests for application forms for the next
college year. Of this number, about 250 are classed as "active applica­
tions." We still do not have any final decision from Mr. Armstrong as to
whether or not the Big Sandy campus should become a four-year college. He
has mentioned this as a definite possibilit � several times in the past. I
am sure that God will guide him in making this important decision, and this
is certainly something which we should all pray about.
This coming Thursday and Friday, the college will cancel all classes and
various other activities because of Thanksgiving celebrations. We hope all
of you will have (will have had, by the time you receive this) a happy and
blessed Thanksgiving Day.
All of us--especially we ministers and our
families--have so much to be thankful to God for!
What an unspeakable
blessing, not only to be called into God's Church, but also to be called
into His ministry at this time!!!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Inquiries are trickling in from the field ministry about our National
Y.O.u. Scholarship programs for the coming school year.
We are currently preparing the application forms which we will send to all
U.S. and Canadian ministers just as soon as they are ready.
As you can see from Mr. McNair's article, we are expecting a bumper crop of
college applications. The demand for entrance into Ambassador College will
be very high. Therefore, I wish to stress the need to be very thorough and
selective in your recommendations for the national Y.o.u. scholarships.
Please do give me a call or drop me a line if you have any questions about
the scholarship program.
--Arthur O. Suckling, Financial Aids Officer
Weekly Letter Comments
A number of brethren have written this year expressing heartfelt
tion for the festival assistance they received. Without the excess second