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I might add that the interest in Ambassador College continues to increase.
God's ministers, the members arid the young people of God's work all con­
tinue to show great interest in, and support for, God's College. We appre­
ciate the part which you ministers have had in turning God's people from a
negative to a very positive attitude toward Ambassador College.
Also, since Mr. Armstrong has set Ambassador back on track, God has been
showering His blessings on the College. We ask your continued prayers that
God will further inspire, bless, guide and direct the College administra­
tion and the faculty so that we can continue to train the Church's most
precious heritage--its youth!
The second semester of the College will begin next week. we had a very good
first semester, and we hope and pray that the next semester will be even
God willing, we shall be seeing many of you as you attend the Ministerial
Refreshing Program here in Pasadena. May God bless, guide, inspire and
watch over all of you as you serve His people in your very important call-
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
"I Was In Prison, and You Came Unto Me •.• "
One of the special groups of people reached by the Work are inmates in
various prisons around the country. We have received a number of letters
from prisoners expressing heartfelt appreciation for our literature and
television programs.
God's true message has given hope and encouragement to these people.
Through the Work some have been led to a deeper understanding of the Bible,
others have found new meaning in life, while a few have even come to repent­
ance and baptism.
Following are excerpts from some of the letters received:
Booklets Opened His Eyes
When I read WHAT DO YOU MEAN--SALVATION?, I broke down and cried.
I couldn't believe that all this time I had been living in sin!
Your booklets have opened my eyes to a more happy and loving
life. I would like to request some of the other pamphlets you
have listed in these booklets. I am in an institution and cannot
afford to give a donation. However, I would like you to know that
while I'm in here, I want to learn all about God. When the time
comes for my release, I would like to donate my time to your or­
ganization to help others as you have helped me!
Prisoner (Linden, NJ)
Literature Changing His Life
Thank you for all the help that you have given me toward under­
standing the Word of God. You have helped me to change a life
that I have not been proud of. I have lived a life of crime and I
am doing time now in the State of Texas for theft.