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in their orientation because of the tolerant climate. It's easy to come out
of the closet at college! The NEWSWEEK article itself is very tolerant of
the gay scene at school and full of "understanding" for the discrimination
gays yet face. It adds:
While the unease felt by straight s�udents [confronting gays] can
hardly be compared to discrimination against gays, it is no less
real and is likely to increase in an atmosphere of sexual ambi­
guity.•••One Harvard woman says that "homosexuality is fine
intellectually. [?????] But then you're confronted by it, and you
don't know what your relationship is. You can't tell who's what
It seems like soon it will be weird to be hetero­
I� Sodom, "straight" was weird too! NEWSWEEK continues, tolerantly:
Gay rights in the abstract is one thing, but a son or daughter
bringing a homosexual friend home is something else.
often react badly, threatening to pull the student out of school
or withdrawing support•.• [but J whatever anguish parents feel,
they an/ not demanding that college administrators reinstate
strict regulation of students' private lives.
In college, the gays indeed "proclaim their sin like Sodom, they hide it
not." Concludes NEWSWEEK:
Many gays and lesbians are no longer content to be tolerated as
eccentrics. They want to get their sexuality out in the open so
they can get it out of the way. The problem, as both straight and
gay students see it, is that college may be the closest thing to�
perfect world that
will ever find--prospective employers
will not accept open homosexuality as easily as the lab partner
in Bio 101 does. A gay professor of public policy at Berkeley is
more confident; he argues that the number of gay students at some
campuses is so large that "this group may just hold its identity
in the larger world."
America--a modern Sodom--is being set up for its day of reckoning, just as
when "the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord
out of heaven" (Gen. 19:24). God, in His great love for His people Israel
(Jer. 30 and 31) is stepping up His Work of warning (Isa. 58:1). If we are
diligent in our calling of turning many to righteousness (Dan. 12:3), many
more people, similar to the experience of Lot and his family, will be
rescued before calamity strikes.
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau