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May has been another trying month for the financial area.
statistics week by week:
Here are the
Week Ending:
Month to Date
Year to Date
May 7
May 14
May 21
+ 6.1%
May 28
+ 9.3%
We were obviously encouraged at the beginning of the month, but saddened by
the final figures. The final figures include the whole month of May as
banks were closed for the rest of the month. These percentage figures would
be very encouraging for many U.S. companies right now, as some are having
very rough times. In our case, about a year ago we started expanding
greatly in radio, TV and publishing. We want to continue that expansion,
but have had to virtually halt it for now until funds increase substan­
The 1982 budget was geared to about a 15% increase over last year. With
only a 9.3% increase in income we will have to hold down expenditures con­
siderably. We are endeavoring to do this and are now taking further steps
to slow down expenditures. Most departments are doing a good job in this
The preliminary Pentecost holy day offering figures are now compiled. The
total increase is 11.8% more than last Pentecost. This is a good improve­
ment over the first two holy day offerings which were initially +4.5%, but
late offerings have increased it to 6.3% over last year.
The Mail Processing Center has supplied me with some encouraging figures.
Our co-workers have increased 12% over the same period last year and donors
have increased by 110%. This is a very good indication, but these new con­
tributors have not yet made a significant impact.
Hopefully they will
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
WORLDWIDE NEWS for Members Only
Because of the nature of the material contained in the WORLDWIDE NEWS, Mr.
Armstrong set the policy some time ago stating that it is a publication for
members only.
However, from time to time, the Personal Correspondence Department receives
requests from prospective members or others asking for the WN. Some of
these mention that the minister they talked with recommended that they
PCD then must send a letter explaining that the WORLDWIDE NEWS is for mem­
bers only. Of course this can lead to disappointment or frustration on the
part of the person making the request.
Please keep this policy regarding the WORLDWIDE NEWS in mind when counsel­
ing prospective members or any non-members, so that any unnecessary mis­
understanding can be avoided.