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I went and talked to my boss and shared how I felt. He understood
and told me to come back when school starts aqain, and I could
have my job back. He was very kind and praised me for caring so
much for my children. I may have lost my promotion, but I did not
lose my job. I know this had to be my heavenly Father
s doing.
How wonderful He truly is in taking care of His children!
N.W. (Madera, CA)
Unexpected Check In Third Tithe Year
About two weeks ago I happened to think of a fellow I used to work
with about seven years ago. I called the company to see if he was
still there, and he was.
He asked how I was and where I lived. Then he asked if I had
received a check from him. I said, "What check?" He explained
that the company had changed ownership and that I had a check
coming for $448.00 for profit shares. I told him I had not re­
ceived a check. He asked me to send a letter to him stating that
I had not received it and he would immediately mail a new one.
The check arrived yesterday and it just happened to cover first,
second and third tithe, a car insurance premium, new glasses for
my wife, and a three-day trip to visit our relatives. It is beau­
tiful and fantastic to see how God works things out in ways we
never expect.
B.G. (Andover, VA)
New Members Abundantly Blessed
We first attended Sabbath services in November, 1981, and were
baptized in February of this year. We were called by God while
homeless and during a time of unemployment.
Since having
accepted God
s calling and seeking His Kingdom first, we have
been blessed with more than we have room for. God truly works
miracles! In a time of high inflation and unemployment, God has
provided us with a full-time job (with every Sabbath and Holy Day
off), a beautiful trailer house, a car (to deliver PT's with), a
TV (to watch world news), a piano (to develop our talents), and
so much more I couldn't begin to name everything!
Before this
time, we had never owned many of these things nor ever dreamed we
T.K. (Mitchell, SD)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center