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The Feast of First-fruits, called Pentecost in the New Testament,
pictures the coming of the Holy Spirit -- which came on that day in
31 A.D. -- as the time -- between then and Christ's second coming -­
as the comparatively small FIRST HARVEST in man's spiritual creation
as it came at the time of the first .agricultural harvest
The Feast of TRUMPETS, coming on the first day of the seventh
month of God's sacred year, reminds us yearly of the coming of
Jesus Christ as KING of kings and LORD of lords, to rule and offer
eternal salvation to all nations -- ushering in the KINGDOM OF GOD
which is the FAMILY of God ruling the earth.
The Day of ATONEMENT pictures the event making it possible for
humanity to be "AT-ONE-ment" with God, by the putting away of Satan.
Then the Feast of Tabernacles represents the glorious millennial
reign of Christ and BORN saints in the Kingdom of God, ruling all
nations. Satan will be gone. ALL then living will be called. The
first day of this seven-day Festival is an annual Holy Day.
The very following day is a separate Holy Day, picturing the
Great White Throne Judgment, after the thousand years. All who ever
lived and were uncalled shall then be resurrected MORTAL. They shall
then be called, with eternal salvation to those who repent, believe,
and receive God's Holy Spirit.
That COMPLETES the SPIRITUAL phase of God's creation of MAN -­
reproducing Himself. After that shall come the final resurrection
of the incorrigible wicked who were called, but neglected, resisted,
or failed in being reconciled to God and developing the holy,
righteous character from God.
After that comys the GLORIOUS ETERNITY finishing the creation
of the vast UNIVERSE.
WHAT A GLORIOUS MASTER PLAN! You are here to imbibe a foretaste
of the peaceful, happy WORLD TOMORROW!
* * * * *
by Herbert W. Armstrong
EDITOR'S NOTE: Tuesday, September 19, Mr. Herbert Armstrong took
the Forum to speak to the students of Ambassador College. He re­
hearsed how Ambassador came to be founded for a definite purpose.
He explained once again that he is not against higher education, but
that there is something essentially wrong with the education of this
world. God's college, therefore, of necessity had to be different -­
Unlike other colleges, Ambassador College was designed
to "Recapture True Values."