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Questions and Answers
Question: Since gambling is wrong, should we also avoid raffles as a Church
fund-raising activity? If so, what about buying a raffle ticket
as an individual, such as when a Boy Scout wants to sell you one?
Raffles are a form of gambling and are not to be used to raise
money for various Church activities.
If some charitable organization in the world requests a contri­
bution for a good cause and has a raffle as part of its fund­
raising activities, a member could contribute unless he has a
conscience problem. Most who give do not expect to win the raf­
fle, but simply donate to help the cause. However, Mr. Armstrong
does not want raffles or other forms of chance involving money as
fund-raising activities in God's Church.
This does not mean, however, that it would be wrong to have a door
prize drawing, when the only cost involved is for the price of
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings and love from the Jerry Aust family here in San Diego.
We have just completed the ninth session of the Ministerial Re­
freshing Program.
It was very uplifting, unifying and stabil­
izing. We are deeply appreciative of your establishment of and
supervision over it. The fruits of God's Spirit permeated this
session and were contagious, moving us to strive for perfection.
Thank you so much for yielding yourself to Jesus Christ in so
many, many ways. We will strive to keep up with you, although I
have a suspicion there aren't enough hours in a day for that.
Please keep on keeping on. You are a great inspiration to us all.
Our prayers are with you.
Jerry and Mary Ann Aust
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Armstrong and his as­
sistants at Headquarters for sponsoring the Ministerial Refresh­
ing Program II. It was particularly helpful to me in that it
crystalized what is expected from the Church pastors. When one
can see clearly what his goals and assignments are, he can better
organize his life and throw out non-essential matters that take
away from really producing in the way that Mr. Armstrong wishes.
I deeply appreciated all the presentations which depicted the
growth of God's Work--they were overwhelming! The lectures also
were very inspiring. I was able to pick up at least one sermon or
Bible study idea from each one.
Finally, the Spirit of God is so evident now in Pasadena--it is
so gratifying to realize that now at Headquarters we have ser­
vants rather than "executives.
God now has His servants who