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case. In this instance modern folksy usage may vary, as when Sir Winston
Churchill warmed up the U.S. Congress by introducing himself: This is me,
Winston Churchill.
But something is wrong in the following sentence: The president met
Sam and I. The pronoun I is incorrectly used as the object. I is a nom­
inative case form and should not be used as an object. The objective case
form me should be used. We should say, The president met Sam and�-
To make it clear, drop Sam and and say, The president met me.
Objective case pronouns-
�, �, you, him, her and them--
are used as
direct objects or indirect objects. In the sentence above Sam and me are
direct objects.
Indirect objects are in the objective case as in, Father is giving Sam
and� a gift. One never says, Father is giving Sam and I a gift.
To make that clear, drop Sam and and say, Father is giving me a gift.
One other common mistake in pronoun usage involves the possessive form
of the pr.onoun. We should never say, Somebody has left their car lights on,
or, Does everyone have their umbrella?
The proper usage in each case requires the singular possessive pro­
noun: Somebody has left his car lights on, and, Does everyone have his (or
her) umbrella?
Indefinite pronouns that end in one or body are always singular in
number and take singular verb forms and singular possessive pronouns.
We also properly say, Each of the girls has her coat. Each refers to
the girls as individuals.
* * * * *
Feast Satellite Transmissions
This year's Feast of Tabernacles will be the fourth year in a row that we
are transmitting Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's holy day messages live to Feast
sites. In the past three years we have used a combination of microwave and
satellite, but this is the first year that every single site in the United
States will receive the signals via satellite.
We will be on a new United States Domestic satellite, Westar IV. We are
coordinating the satellite feed through WOLD, the satellite company which
syndicates our weekly TV program to 40 U.S. stations.
The six sites in Canada will receive both of Mr. Armstrong's holy day mes­
sages live via microwave from Blaine, Washington and Peace Bridge near
Buffalo, New York. Since it is illegal in Canada to take a signal directly
off a U.S. satellite, we will have to microwave {land line) the signals
across the U.S./Canadian border where they will be distributed via further
microwave transmissions to the individual sites.