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me once again with the stimulus of a live audience for prod�tion of
30-minute radio broadcasts.
I will visit my father once more before my Australian trip,
and would appreciate you continuing to mention him in your prayers,
and encourqge your brethren to pray [or his complete recovery. He
is making slow but steady progress.
These meetings in Pasadena are making us all extremely enthu­
siastic about the upcoming conference, and we certainly hope to see
everyone of you there.
With love, in Jesus• name,
INCOME CONTINUES TO LOOK POSITIVE, running approximately 10% on the
fiscal year-to-date.
As mentioned in the last BULLE'fIN,
said I
would give you a complete detailed report on some of the activities
of the Financial Affairs Office over the last several years. Due to
lack of space in the new format,
will condense this to the perti­
nent figures.
Since 1975 over 121:i million dollars have been cut from various
departmental budgets allowing for the Work to move ahead in spite
of rising inflation and reduced income. Additional to this was the
laying off of over 600 full-time employees in the span of two to
two and a half years. Although it is very difficult to have to cut
off segments of the operation, particularly personnel, it became
absolutely necessary for us to address some of these critical
issues during times of financial crisis.
We are continuously seeking avenues to reduce, cut back, improve,
develop, and move forward in. The job of management is not a "cut
and dried" profession.
It has a dynamic, creative side which is
constantly seeking to get more value for dollars spent. This is our
obj�ctive so that we may further the real commission which is get­
the whole world.
--Ray Wright
NOVEMBER MAIL UP Mail Processing Center reports that mail received
during October will probably be the lowest for the year. The pri­
mary reason for this decrease was the relative inactivity during
the Festival break.
However, as of the weekend of November 5-7,
over 15,000 letters were received�-indicating that mail for Novem­
ber is picking up.
WATS telephone responses are maintaining an
approximately normal level.
Literature requests in response to
Subscriber Development, when compared to last year, were up 47%
through the end of September. Income generated from S.D. mailings
is up 9.7% compared to last year.
THE UNITED NATIOns has invoked for the first time the Chapter VII
clause, charging that South Africa because of its recent crackdown
on r:lissidents is a "threat to the maintainance of international
and security." The U. N. action in calling for a mandatory
arms embargo against Pretoria was so grossly hypocritical that the