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of verifying hall rental payments. By adding the Church code we will be
able to periodically send you a listing of all hall rental and related
payments for your area.
If you do not know your Church code, you can find it on member listings,
Feast registration listings, or national telephone network listings. It is
a three or four digit number, usually found next to the Church name. If you
are unable to find it, please call Ministerial Services and we will provide
Also, as long as we're discussing hall rentals there are some other related
points we need to address.
There are several ministers who send their vouchers each month directly to
the Accounting Department post office box. This delays the processing of
the vouchers because Accounting has to send them to Ministerial Services
for approval. This round trip takes at least an extra day or two. Since
checks are mailed out twice a week, this sometimes causes the checks to be
mailed as much as three or four days later than they otherwise would have
In some few cases we have had to lease halls where we have to pay utilities
or other miscellaneous expenses. These expenses should be listed on the
extra lines on the Hall Rental voucher instead of on a General Disbursement
Voucher. Also, in some cases we have been reimbursing the local pastor or a
deacon for these expenses when it is better to pay the bills directly. All
you need to do is attach the bill to a Hall Rental Voucher and fill it out.
If it is necessary to handle it on a reimbursement basis, you should attach
all receipts to the voucher.
Finally, as a convenience, any time there is a flat monthly amount being
paid for the use of a hall, we can set the payment up on an automatic basis.
To do this, we need a Hall Rental Voucher from you and a copy of your con­
tract. In the absence of a written contract, we need a memo describing the
arrangements you have made. It should include the following information:
amount of monthly payment, expected length of use, who the check is to be
mailed to, time of month check needs to be received and anything else that
would affect the payment.
Obsolete Correspondence Course Lessons 21-24
It has come to our attention that some ministers are still loaning out
copies of Lessons 21-24 of the old 58-Lesson CORRESPONDENCE COURSE to
prospective members who are counseling for baptism.
Lessons 21-24 were published before God led Mr. Armstrong to the true
understanding of the origin of "human nature."
Most of Lesson 21, which
covers the subject of human nature, is therefore based on the premise that
God put an evil nature in Adam and Eve and that all humans since then are
born with this same evil nature. Of course, at the time of its publication,
tFiTs lesson did reflect and expound the Church's understanding on this sub­
ject. Lessons 22-24 also reflect this same teaching.
Ministers should now refer PMs to current Lessons 9-12 if they wish to have
them study in depth the subjects of repentance, baptism, the Holy Spirit
and God's way of life prior to baptism. These lessons contain thorough
Biblical expositions of these important subjects.