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We know it was a privilege and honor for us to be invited for the
Program, to be able to meet other ministers and their wives, to
visit with friends, to learn from the men whom God is using at
Headquarters and to once again see and hear God's only apostle
today, Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
That the Refreshing Program is an invaluable experience for the
ministry is unquestionable. We have been refueled, rejuvenated,
restrengthened, reenergized and profoundly inspired to make full
proof of our ministry.
Please reassure Mr. Armstrong that we are fervently praying for
him and God's Work. Though separated by much
always to point all those in our charge to Headquarters for
guidance and direction in order to maintain the unity of faith
and bond of love. We are praying for all of you. Maintain the
good work and THANKS for everything.
Lincoln and Elizabeth Jailal
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We thank you for being allowed to attend the Ministerial Refresh­
ing Program. It was our first time. We were so happy to be on
the beautiful campus of God's College!
The Refreshing Program was a success and we won't forget what has
been given to us during those three weeks, both spiritually and
physically. We had heard about the campus, but now we have seen
it and lived on it, and we know it really was a privilege.
Thank you again, Mr. Tkach, for all you have done for us. Now we
can better pray for all of you at Headquarters.
Gerard and Bernadette Claude
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you and all involved in the second Ministerial Refreshing
Program. It was even better than the first. I hope this program
can be continued.
It is a tremendous help in unifying the
ministry and thus the Church. It has helped me once again to re­
evaluate and refocus priorities.
Mary and I also enjoyed the
camaraderie, fellowship and soaking up the "Headquarters atmos­
Bob and Mary Jones
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Again I thank Mr. Armstrong, you and others for the second oppor­
tunity to join comrades of God
s Work in a "feast of refreshing."
My wife and I enjoyed the fine accommodations, the especially
good dinners hosted by you and others, the fine food from Mr.
Green's kitchen, the beautiful surroundings of campus and stu­
dents and especially the class sessions (which have already been
useful in sermons and Bible studies).