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Zimbabwe, after ending 1982 with only a 3.84% increase, we now have an 86%
increase year to date through February.
very meaningful and profitable Passover and
Mr. Peter Hawkins, local elder, traveled to
members on the island. While there he also made
1983 Feast of Tabernacles.
We are now in the midst of a
Days of Unleavened Bread.
Mauritius to be with the 40
final arrangements for the
Mr. Terry Browning, also a local elder, visited Zambia and conducted the
Passover and holy day services there for the 30 members. We have decided to
hold this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Zambia because the brethren had
too much difficulty with travel documents and foreign exchange to get to
the Feast site in Zimbabwe in 1982. Mr. Browning is finalizing arrange­
ments for the site and facilities during his visit.
In South Africa, arrangements for the Feast of Tabernacles are going very
well after some initial problems. One site this year will be Durban, where
we shall have all our black brethren attending services in the City Hall.
The Umgababa site is not available this year. We also had a problem in
George where the ruling political party has its annual conference scheduled
for September. We shall now have the Feast at Port Elizabeth where God has
opened up very fine facilities. Sonesta will again accommodate all our
coloured brethren in the Cape Province. In Zimbabwe we have a fine site at
Mutare in the Eastern Highlands. Anyone wishing to attend Feast sites in
Southern Africa should write to the Johannesburg office for information.
(Pasadena campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Hopefully all of you have had a wonderful Feast of Unleavened Bread. This
is the first time in many years that I have been at Pasadena for the Pass­
Mr. Herbert
Armstrong, assisted by Mr. Tkach, conducted the
Passover service held in the College gym.
Then, on the First Day of
Unleavened Bread, Mr. Armstrong preached the afternoon sermon in the
Auditorium--speaking on the real significance of the seven Days of
Unleavened Bread.
For the Night to be Much Observed, my wife and I were able to have a number
of Ambassador College students in our home. So far as I know, all of the
students were privileged to observe this important evening with various
brethren in their homes. My wife and I were then privileged to observe the
First Day of Unleavened Bread with the brethren in Long Beach. We had over
500 in attendance.
1982/1983 ENVOY
Perhaps you ministers would like to know that the 1982/1983 deluxe-edition
ENVOY, scheduled to be distributed at the Feast of Tabernacles, will cost
$25. However, those members who paid the suggested price of $20 for the
ENVOY at the last Feast will not have to pay the extra five dollars.
Even at $25, the 1982/1983 deluxe ENVOY will be one of the very best ENVOYS
which we have ever produced--certainly equivalent to, or even better than
the 1969 ENVOY.
(Publishing Services is responsible for its design and
publication under Mr. Armstrong's direction.) I am sure that all of you