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VOL.5, N0.14
Updating Assistant PT Newsstand Coordinators
APRIL 8, 1983
It has come to our attention that a number of pastors have been negligent in
passing on the monthly Newsstand Newsletter to their assistant PLAIN TRUTH
coordinators. Please realize that this newsletter contains extremely vital
information which needs to be passed on to those who assist you in this
important program.
The PLAIN TRUTH Circulation Department has informed us that currently many
assistant coordinators are unaware of policy changes or other information
that is necessary to perform their tasks. This breakdown in communication
could easily be avoided if you would pass on the extra copy of the news­
letter, marked "Assistant Coordinator's Copy," sent to you each month.
Remember that Mr. Armstrong is extremely excited and enthusiastic about the
Newsstand Program. He expects it to measure up to the standards he has set
for the Work worldwide. It is the Pastor's responsibility to see that this
phase of God's Work is carried out successfully in his area. Your coopera­
tion is essential and vital. Please pass on the above mentioned important
communication tool to your assistant coordinator every month.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
VANCOUVER, WA--HARRY E. SLEDER: I believe the pressure is on the
Churches for spiritual growth like we haven't seen before. Some
people seem to have their backs pushed right against the wall to
make changes in their 1ives.
Christ is bringing His Church
along, preparing her to be His bride. Thanks to Mr. Armstrong
for leading the way.
LONG BEACH, CA--LES McCOLM: Had a phone call from a man who left
the Baptist church and, along with 29 others, has requested a
visit. They keep the Sabbath on their own and have "elected" a
minister to teach them out of The PLAIN TRUTH and other of our
literature! These are exciting days to say the least.
HUNTSVILLE, AL--LAWSON J� TUCK: Mr. Armstrong's books, booklets
and the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE are doing a superb job of educating
those corning along.
My thanks go to him and the whole Head­
quarters team!
ALBANY, NY--LYLE WELTY: We continue to receive a steady flow of
new PMs due to the telecast. Quality of PMs is generally good.
The excellent quality of GOOD NEWS articles is helping both
members and PMs to grow.
MONTVALE, NJ--LLOYD BRIGGIE: Telecasts of Mr. Armstrong's over­
seas trips are tremendous. Members, PMs and new contacts have
shown true gratitude for the wealth of free literature and
education that come from Headquarters.