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VOL.5, N0.17
Women's Clubs
APRIL 29, 1983
As you are all aware, ministerial workloads have been steadily increasing
over the last two years. The great upswing in prospective member activity,
due mainly to the increased media thrust, as well as manpower restrictions
due to budgetary constraints, have taken their toll on ministers' time. As
a result, certain projects or areas have to be reevaluated as to their over­
all purpose and value compared to the essential responsibilities of the
One such area is Women's Clubs. Although a small number of pastors have
conducted apparently meaningful and helpful Women's Clubs, many have in­
quired as to whether they should start a Women's Club or whether Women's
Club is a mandatory activity.
In recent discussions with Mr. Armstrong about Women's Clubs in the Church,
he brought out several principles from God's Word. I Peter 3:1-6 shows that
God wants Christian women to adorn themselves with a meek and quiet
spirit--a thing of great price in His sight. Titus 2:3-5 says that women
should be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their
own husbands. Paul also explains that the older women should be able to
teach these things to the younger.
This does not necessitate a club,
however. This is the kind of thing that can be done by example, and by
individuals who want to learn, seeking out the older women whose "behavior
becomes holiness:ir--
In addition, Paul shows that in spiritual matters Christian women should
learn in silence with all subjection, and should not teach nor usurp
authority over men (I Tim. 2:11-12).
Women's Clubs are usually established with such goals as to "recapture true
values of womanhood," to "develop the total woman," or to encourage "growth
in Christian character and in ability to serve." These are truly worth­
while and important goals. But should they be limited to Women's Clubs?
Mr. Armstrong expressed concern that much of the important and helpful
material presented by pastors in Women's Club might not be given to the en­
tire congregation. He noted that many valuable principles of Christian
ITving and conduct have been given to the women in clubs that should be
shared with everyone in Bible studies and sermons.
One of our goals as servants of God should be teach the women of God's
Church that it is through diligently following God's law and His instruc­
tion that they, as well as the men, will develop the total person, grow in
Christian character and service, and recapture the true values in life. By
putting into practice the teaching they receive in Bible study, Sabbath
services, our many valuable publications, personal Bible study, and per­
sonal counseling, Christian women can learn through the experiences of
daily life how to fulfill what Christ taught through Paul.