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on the membership, as this week's comments show. It is also interest-
ina to note that the entire f.irst printing of the book is now comple­
tely exhausted! The publishers will have additional copies available
in February. The copies acquired by the Church are also exhausted
due to a greater worldwide member demand than was anticipated. Because
of this, the later requests will remain on hold until additional copies
can be acquired.
As I have just finished reading THE REAL �ESUS, I must do some­
thing 1:ve never done in response to a publication of any kind-­
write to express my pleasant amazement.
must admit that even though
looked forward to reading the
planned to skim quickly through it just to make sure
wasn't missing out on something.
didn't expect to learn from
it. After all, hadn't
bee� seriously studying the Bible for
a number of years, even aside from my four years of college
studies which included a theology major? And hadn't I read books
and �rticles on the subject of portraying Christ? And all of
this was in addition to the countless ar·tic"ies I had carefully
studied by the book's very author alon� the line of what Christ
was and is like. How much more, of importance, could be added
to such a basic subjec� ��
I began reading THE REAL JESUS. I couldn't skim over it--it was
too interesting! And the coh.erently detailed and colorful style
of writing which flowed.through the entirety of the book made
it all so unbelievably seeable
had to continue "watching" the
scenes unfold even well past my usual bedtime!
But what was more important than enjoying it was that
learned more about the real Jesus. Not only about what those
times were like during His earthly life as a man and about the
astonishing records left by important historians, but to my
almost embarrassed surprise
learned more about what is actually
recorded about Him in the Bible itself--passages
had read over,
time and again, without really noticing the meaning.
In short, I'm waiting for Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong's next book-­
and the next. About anything. And however simple the subject
won't be surprised to learn from it.
--Thomas J. Anderson (Fort Smith, AR)
I just had to write to tell you l loved THE REAL JESUS. Thank
you so much for that book. Your pen (or typewriter) must have
"sung." So many of the passages keep echoing in my memory. God
surely must have inspired you and must be very pleased. How
graphic! You also must feel "poured out" because no one except
one who feels v h ry deeply could write with so much verve ex­
pressing sympat y, understanding and empathy. How could anyone
reading this book fail to see what a (I hesitate to use the word
because in some instances it has become trite) wonderful person
He is and was. What a great person! What a great God! English
language, although verbose, fails miserably someti�es to express
exactly what is meant, and to add to that burden, King James