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With this type of fast pace set, we are looking for a lively response to the
French Reader's Digest--SELECTION--advertisement in France, Belgium,
Switzerland and French Canada. The response should start in June and con­
tinue strongly for two or three months. The combined circulation of these
versions is 1,664,000.
Mr. Dibar Apartian, Regional Director of the French phase of God's work,
flew to Quebec on May 19 to conduct a conference with all the ministers,
ministerial assistants, deacons and wives. On Saturday, May 21, the two
Montreal Churches met together both in the morning and the afternoon to
hear two sermons from Mr. Apartian. A total of 561 persons were present.
That evening, Mr. and Mrs. Apartian flew to Quebec City to keep Pentecost
with the Quebec City and Trois-Rivieres Churches. Again Mr. Apartian gave
the morning and afternoon sermons, this time to an assembly of 155 persons.
Sunday evening, a Public Bible Study for La PURE VERITE subscribers was
held at the Auberge des Gouverneurs and it was a great success, surpassing
what was even hoped for. A total of 89 new persons were present to hear Mr.
Apartian speak for over an hour on the economic crisis in Quebec--and its
solution! The audience was very attentive, and afterwards a group of about
40 persons gathered around Mr. Apartian to ask questions. So far there have
been six requests for visits and three of these were from people who drove
over 150 miles to attend the meeting!
Several years ago at a previous Public Bible study in Quebec, the Arch­
bishop of Quebec had come to hear Mr. Apartian. This time, the presence of
the Cardinal's right-hand man was noticed! One wonders just how much the
Catholic Church in Quebec is interested in our activities.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the second Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was a tremendous benefit to my wife and me. We had read and
heard so many positive comments from others who have been on the
program but couldn't really appreciate what they were all saying
until we had experienced it for ourselves.
It was even better
than the first Refreshing Program, which was hard to beat. These
Refreshing Programs produce such positive fruits, individually
and for the entire Church, that we sincerely hope that they can
be continued indefinitely.
One of the most inspiring aspects of the current program is the
opportunity to witness the loyalty, dedication and wholehearted
support for God, God's Church, His Work, and His end-time apostle
by the entire team working at Headquarters. It was not a put-on.
It was so real you could almost touch it. This is so encouraging
to the ministry in the field--to see that the team chosen to work
directly under you is truly practicing what we preach.
Mr. Armstrong, my wife and I sincerely believe that the vast
majority of the ministry and the members of the Church support
you and God's Work with a total commitment. We love you and pray
for you daily.
Ron and Paulette Jameson