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VOL. 5 , NO • 2 8
International News
JULY 15, 1983
From the Spanish Department
A total of 1,453 new people attended PURA
VERDAD subscriber lectures presented during the month of June in Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Venezuela and Guatemala!
The first series of lectures, conducted by Mr. Herbert Cisneros, was held
June 11 and
in San Jose, Costa Rica at the Hotel Costa Rica. Attendance
was 293 and 257 respectively, with a total of 358 new people attending one
or both meetings. On the first night 35 people were left standing, as the
hotel ran out of chairs.
One hundred and one people requested personal
visits, and
individuals indicated that they wanted to attend more
meetings sponsored by the Church.
Two hundred and twenty-four copies of
the book EL INCREIBLE POTENCIAL HUMANO were distributed.
The 358 new
people represented 18% of the number of PV readers invited--an extremely
high percentage!
Mr. Cisneros started the second lecture series in his home town of Sa,,
Salvador on June 18 at the Hotel Camino Real.
He was overwhelmed by the
gargantuan crowd that attended the first meeting--488 people, with over 50
people turned away because they couldn't get in the conference room. Mr.
Cisneros reported that the room was absolutely packed to the extreme, which
created a great amount of heat, putting a strain on the air conditioning
system. People from all levels of society were represented, from the most
humble campesino to doctors, lawyers, several military officers and even a
very high-ranking government official. Several PV readers traveled for six
hours from the city of San Miguel, a journey which took them through terri­
tory of frequent guerrilla activity.
In all, 563 new people attended one or both of the lectures, representing
23% of those who were invited (an all-time record), with 50 requesting
visits and 187 desiring to attend future meetings. Mr. Cisneros said that
over 90 people were very desirous of attending Church services.
He was
truly shaken and inspired by the fantastic response from his native land.
He commented wryly that "attendance was held down" for the second meeting
because of the observance of Father's Day.
One week later, on June 25 and 26, Mr. Cisneros gave two lectures in the
Hotel Camino Real in Guatemala City, where attendance was
and 326
respectively, with a total of 416 new people. Some 191 requested to attend
more meetings and 36 wanted a ministerial visit. Of those in attendance,
three young men from a nearby hospital came 14 blocks to the first meeting,
propelling themselves in wheelchairsl Also, several people traveled nine
hours from the Atlantic port of Puerto Barrios to hear God's minister.
After the second meeting Mr. Cisneros held a "30-minute" question-and­
answer session which lasted ninety minutes--280 of the 326 in attendance
stayed for this part of the presentation.