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(4) Plan to Have a Healthy Feast There is a cause for every effect. Colds
and flus can dampen the Feast for yourself and others. Avoid illness by
getting enough exercise and sleep. Avoid overeating, as well as too many
rich or sugary foods. The better we feel, the better Feast we'll have.
(5) Plan to Have a Spiritual Feast The Feast of Tabernacles is no time to
let down in prayer and Bible study. How can we expect God to be with us and
bless us during the Feast if we shut off communication with Him? How can we
expect to fully understand the spiritual meat given to us at the Feast if we
are not spiritually renewing ourselves daily as God tells us through Paul
{II Cor. 4:16)?
Spending time with God's people in wholesome fellowship and activities is
another important facet that will contribute to having a spiritual Feast,
and something that should not be neglected.
Proper emphasis should be placed on attending services.
Attendance at
every service ought to be a priority. We should not miss a service for some
activity, trip or any other reason except illness or emergency. We must not
let the pur e ose of the Feast escape us by putting too much emphasis on fun
and activities.
Another area to be mindful of is excessive talking and walking around
during services. Sometimes it seems that the biggest offenders in this are
ushers, deacons, and ministers.
These are the people who ought to be
setting a right example.
Only such talking as is absolutely necessary
should take place during services.
Storytelling and laughing, general
discussion, and all other unnecessary conversation simply displays a lacK
of respect for services, the speaker, and for God.
(6) Conduct at the Feast Jesus said, "You are the light of the world." We
have a respons1b1l1ty before God to set a right Christian example at all
times. At the Feast we are all the more under close scrutiny.
Another area that has been a problem, sadly, is conduct on the Sabbath. The
Sabbath is not the time for pool parties, loud playing and shouting by
children, playing video games, sports, etc. Last year at some motels, the
Sabbath was anything but peaceful. In some instances children and adults
were making so much noise in the pool and game areas that other people could
not sleep on Friday night. The sad part about it was that the offenders
were our own peoplel Let's show respect for God by keeping the Sabbath holy
as God created it.
(7) Prepare Your Children for the Feast We should be preparing our children
for the Feast by discussing with them their own examples. Their behavior in
public, not being noisy, not running in buildings, etc. should be a part of
their instruction well before the Feast.
Now is the time to discuss the Feast with your children's schoolteachers
also. Many hard feelings and problems for your children can be avoided by
politely and courteously discussing Feast plans with their teachers far in
advance, thereby showing respect for and cooperation with the teachers'
needs and plans.
God intended the Feast of Tabernacles to be a time of great rejoicing. With
careful preparation physically and spiritually, we can all have a superb
Feast this year!