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VOL. 2, NO. 2
JANUARY 30, 1978
PASTORAL ADMINISTRATION UPDATE Steve Martin and I returned just last
night from a tremendously profitable weekend trip to Tucson and Phoenix.
Not only were we able to have a good visit with all of the ministers
and their wives in the areas, but we were also able to have a tremen­
dously encouraging visit with Mr. Herbert Armstrong. He told us that
far from being "worn out" from his visit to Pasadena for the Ministerial
Conference, he actually found that he felt better when he got back to
Tucson than he did when he left! He was very positive about the
Ministerial Conference, about the general direction the Work is taking,
about his own plans for future trips (would you believe April or May?),
and about conununicating with the Ministry. He even expressed a desire
to get together with the ministers who are in on Sabbatical and talk
to them about sermon content and the emphasis in their preaching. He
had quite a few things to say to Steve and me on that subject, and
I'll be writing them up for a future Pastor's bulletin.
We had a couple of very enjoyable visits with the Neffs, and a good
long three-hour session with the Lukers, the Reyes, and the Rapps.
Bill Rapp seems to be feeling quite a bit better, and he certainly
looked better. It was tremendously encouraging
visit with him and
to see his confidence and faith in what has to be a severe personal
crisis. By the way, he expressed his sincere gratitude to all of you
who have been so encouraging and supportive during the past several
Don't forget to ask the brethren
pray about the income of the Work.
The severe winter is really taking its toll. It's fortunate that
the Church Assistance Fund is in good shape right now, so we will be
able to meet the additional needs some of our people may have during
this hard winter. If you have any questions about it, please feel
free to call Ted Herlofson.
Dart, Pastoral Administration
YEAR-END MAIL SUMMARY Mail Processing ended 1977 with a total of
l.86million letters and 418,000 telephone responses. A breakdown of
the MAIL shows that about 280,000 were media activity responses (TV,
radio, newsstand, Plain Truth, coupons, etc.). The largest single
category, 818,000, resulted from the Subscriber Development programs
with the remaining 710,000 coming from all other sources including
member and co-worker responses.
The breakdown of the TELEPHONE CALLS is as follows: TV--233,000 or
561; Modern Romans conunercials--40,500 or 101; NFL Game of the Week
spots--29,800 or 7%; Radio--81,800 or 19.5%; Plain Truth--1,900 or
.5%; Visit requests--5,000 or 1%; Other--26,500 or 6% of the total
January 1978 mail has been low. To reverse this trend a special letter
is being mailed to the entirety of the Plain Truth list, about 719,000.
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