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sense this is unfortunate since we received 10 times the normal
number of complaint letters over the last combined issues (about 4000!).
This time we will not run them back-to-back and we will include a band
on the cover announcing the fact that it is a combined issue. Combined
issues are planned for July-August and November-December.
We thought you would like to read the following letter from the execu­
tive director of Sonoma County's National Council on Alcoholism, A
United Way Agency.
(The letter was addressed to Bill Butler, Communi­
cations Officer for Mail Processing.) It shows·what is being accom­
plished in certain areas. Paul Graunke has done an excellent job on
the two booklets mentioned at the beginning of Ms. George's letter.
We've had man t comments on them from all over. We also hear many
good things a out Dale Hampton's seminars and talks on alcoholism.
It's nice to be able to have such effective programs combining printed
material with oral presentations. Hopefully we'll be able to do much
more of this type of thing in the future.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
Dear Mr. Butler:
It is extremely difficult for us to adequately express our deep
gratitude to you and to the Worldwide Church of God for the
generosity in the contribution of over 14,000 booklets on alcohol
The 10,000 booklets "ALCOHOLISM--A WORLD-WIDE CURSE" were dis­
tributed door to door prior to Alcoholism Action Week, November
14-20. The over 4,000 copies of "THE DILEMMA OF DRUGS" are being
distributed at all educational events and to other alcohol­
related community agencies for further distribution.
Most certainly the availability of this abundance of such high
quality printed material has made our efforts extend further and
be more meaningful than most anything we have ever before accom­
plished. Without doubt, the quality of the material has gone far
to lend credence to the educational efforts of this organization.
must also include a note of gratitude to the individuals who
initiated this combined effort namely, Dale Hampton, Pastor Ed
Mauzey, and Bill and Ruth Lund. The spirituality and caring
exhibited through these people have served to motivate incalcu­
lable numbers of others concerned with this problem.
Once again our sincere appreciation and deep gratitude for your
generosity. Please convey our appreciation to anyone involved
who made this marvelous effort possible. We may never be able
to calculate the total results of the effort in numbers of
people obtaining help with their problem but we do know of 3.
To me that makes it more than worthwhile.
Very truly yours,
Barbara George, Executive Director
QUEST RECEIVES RECOGNITION Quest is one of America's most notable
publications--so says the cover line of Eastern Airlines inflight
magazine Review. A feature article, "In the Presence of Whales," from
the July/August/77 edition of Quest is reprinted in the January edition