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in strongly. In addition, the special 50th anniversary issue edition of
The PLAIN TRUTH has prompted many favorable comments from our readers.
Canadian Update January has started out well for the work of God's Church
in Canada. Income stands at a plus 25.2%. It's very encouraging to see the
continued dedication of God's people.
December saw us do some retrenching in the field of radio as we cut back
dramatically the number of stations that air the broadcast. As has been
pointed out before, the radio audience of today is fragmented when compared
with the audience of a few years ago. This diversity of audience interests
has spawned many new radio stations which cater to these smaller audiences.
This cutback has freed up money which will now be ploughed back into other
areas of the Work.
Our overall goal is to add 120,000 names to The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list
during 1984. To accomplish this we need to augment our ongoing programs
which consist of the TV and radio broadcasts, blow-in cards, newsstands,
waiting room and cardholder programs.
These in-house programs wi11 add
many thousands to the list, but not enough to maintain it at its current
level, or to expand it.
The first big program to come on stream will be direct mail. It has been
enlarged to 400,000 packages. We are looking for a higher percentage of
return than with the first mailing. As with our first venture into this
field, we will be running a number of test packages trying to find the most
effective way of generating a reply. On a cost per response basis, direct
mail is one of the least expensive ways of adding someone to the mailing
list, which probably explains why so many companies employ this method of
In late August or early September, we will again try a national newspaper
insert campaign. These two major programs will be supplemented by smaller
ongoing programs, some of a more localized nature. It certainly looks like
a busy and eventful year ahead for us.
Total incoming mail for the month of January was 38,302--a 23.8% decrease
over 1983. Total outgoing mail was 150,581--a 2.6% increase. WATS calls
for the month of January set a new record for the office. January a year
ago we received 833 calls.
This year saw us handle 1,579 calls.
certainly appreciate the dedication of the local brethren who regularly
assist in this area.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
We all appreciated the
recent sermon tapes from Mr. Armstrong. It is exciting to be
receiving so much new truth--actually, boring deeper into the
trunk of the tree. As one person put it, in a hurricane you don't
reach for the twigs, you grab onto the trunk of the tree.
The sermon tapes from Mr.
Armstrong are certainly appreciated.
They not only teach but
promote unity so we all look to Headquarters and God's Apostle
for direction.
There seems to be greater unity in the local