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VOL.6, N0.9
MARCH 2, 1984
February has now come and gone, but not without its problems for the
financial area. On the positive side, we had a good income month with an
increase over last February of 15.3%.
This brought the year-to-date
increase to 15% over last year. This shows a slightly increasing trend over
January. At the same time, expenses overall have been within budget.
But we do have a problem, and that is "cash flow." As I previously re­
ported, we ended 1983 with lower bank balances than expected. This was due
to several factors, including lower than expected income and higher than
expected expenses for November and December. This lower "altitude" in the
bank was not sufficient to provide for our normal low points just before the
spring and fall holy days. Therefore, we have had to request all depart­
ments to decrease their expenditures until balances are again sufficient.
In addition, some budget and financial changes are being implemented. We
expect to work through this problem, but it will take time and effort.
I hope that you and all the brethren in your area will be prepared in a
special way for the soon-coming holy day offerings. Even though we have had
good income, the need is even greater. If we all prepare ahead of time, I
am sure that the offering will be even more generous than usual.
addition, our fervent prayers could have an even greater effect. God could
inspire co-workers and donors to give greater amounts, and inspire noncon­
tributors to begin giving. This would certainly help us in our continuing
efforts to increase the power with which the gospel is being preached for a
witness to the nations.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
International News
Australian U � date
January was one of the highest months ever for mail.
Twenty-six t ousand eight hundred twenty-one letters were received--an
85.9% increase over the same month last year 1
The increase in mail was
primarily due to the excellent response from Australian subscribers to Mr.
Armstrong's latest semiannual letter. So far 12,508 requests have been re­
ceived--20.8% of the mailing list. Of the two publications offered by Mr.
Armstrong in his letter, YOUR AWESOME FUTURE is more popular by only a few
percentage points than the other booklet offered, DID GOD CREATE A DEVIL?
Of all the requests received, 70% asked for both booklets.
Responses to a semiannual letter from Asian countries will usually continue
to come in for twelve months or more. Responses to Mr. Armstrong's May
semiannual letter are still being received and so far 12,468 requests have
been processed, representing 30.1% of the Asian mailing list.
In December of last year, all Bible correspondence course students not
receiving the GOOD NEWS magazine were mailed a letter from Mr. Armstrong
offering a subscription. By the end of January, 2,257 replies had been re-