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couraging is the increase in donors, up 28.4%. The year-to-date increase
in mail income is 11%.
The recent series of advertisements in U.K. national papers, asking "What
Next for Britain?" continue to draw a good response. The SUNDAY TIMES
COLOUR SUPPLEMENT has drawn a 1.2% response to date, and READER'S DIGEST
1.1%. The most recent insertion in the OBSERVER COLOUR SUPPLEMENT at the
beginning of March has drawn a 0.95% response. These response rates are re­
markable and we feel that these advertisements do take the best approach to
the British readership. Incidentally, on all but one of these advertise­
ments the cost per response has been well under E:i2: 00 (approximately
$2.90), which is extremely good "value for money."
Scandinavia: The ads in Scandinavia offering The PLAIN TRUTH in
wegian and English languages have brought a mixed response, with response
levels to date ranging from 0.1 to 0.5%. However, responses do not arrive
at Elstree House until, on the average, two weeks from the date the adver­
tisement appears. Though it is early yet, we are confident that the Nor­
wegian file will grow steadily throughout the coming weeks. Incidentally,
it is interesting to note that 3% of the responses to the U.K. newsstand
PLAIN TP.UTH in February and March were requests for the Norwegian edition.
Since the outlets are situated in the London Underground (subway), we have
exposure to many nationalities, and receive requests for all language
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife Pam and I will long remember our experiences during the
first week of Refresher III. The maturity and wisdom all the
presenters exhibited was remarkable.
The scheduling appeared
carefully planned so as to get the most possible learning into a
relatively short time.
This is our first time on campus since a brief visit in 1975. We
found the dramatic change in spirit and attitude adding greatly
to the joy of the learning experience. It is evident you are on
the right track educationally too.
Our first day there stands out somewhat above the others since we
once again were able to sit at the feet of God's Apostle who dug
out and made palatable the godly principles we live by. We also
deeply appreciate your words and the honor and respect shown each
of us.
Warren and Pam Waian
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please express our gratitude to all for the excellent Refreshing
Program. Words cannot express, however, what a great blessing it
is to be part of this great work and receive the training, guid­
ance and encouragement God's people receive from the top down.
Marie and I were discussing what being a member of God's Church
means to us. Certainly our marriage would not have been as happy
as it is. God only knows what our children would have been like--