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Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you and all the ministry and teachers at Headquarters for
the third Ministerial Refreshing Program. The presentations were
powerful and their impact dramatic. It is material sorely needed
by our local churches and by the world.
Thank you as well for the display of teamwork and harmony. We do
appreciate your example.
We will now strive to follow your fine leadership in our areas so
that the brethren will also grow and profit.
Norm and Kay Strayer
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I want to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Tkach and the en­
tire staff for their labor and service of love for us in the Re­
freshing Program.
This third series showed me continual growth
in understanding the human needs God's Church is here to address
in helping those God calls toward eternal life. It is not enough
to cry "sin"; it is imperative to offer spiritual aid for heal­
God's Spirit continues to lead you and the Church as a whole into
a greater depth of understanding God's will and mind; each suc­
cessive Refresher reflects God's power at work to bring us into
greater harmony with Him. Thank you for your active service in
all aspects of the Church and ministry and permission for me to
be a part.
Jim Lichtenstein
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please convey our gratitude to Mr. Armstrong for our time in Pas­
adena during the current MRP.
Thank you also to Mr. Armstrong
and all the staff for the dynamic and inspiring presentations.
As the information is presented to the congregations in sermons
and Bible studies, there have been many positive comments of ap­
preciation from the members. There was such a wealth of knowl­
edge and material presented that two months later only the tip of
the iceberg has been presented to the local congregations.
The process of digesting the whole experience is a very enjoyable
one indeed.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
Lyall and Wynnis Johnston
AMARILLO, TX--JAMES O'BRIEN: Our YOU is having terrific results!
One of the girls confessed to her mother that during some family
trials this past year the only thing that kept her from quitting