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VOL. 2, NO. 44
NOVEMBER 29. 1978
November 22, 1978
Dear Fellow Ministers,
Mr. Armstrong is sending a letter to our brethren and Co-Workers
informing them that every current indication is that we should continue
to publish Quest Magazine as one of the major activities·of the Am-·
bassador Foundation.
Personally, I am delighted with this news!
Right from the time the first conceptual planning for the setting
up of our own Foundation took place in the early summer of 1975, I have
supported it! I still do!
In the Ministerial Bulletin dated June 3, 1975, I had a long article
showing why we needed the Foundation and gave several major reasons why
I supported its being established. It seemed obvious then, and still
does, that we should be involved in charitable, humanitarian and cultural
activities to "let our light shine before men." In Matthew 25 Jesus
clearly outlined a major responsibility for His servants in performing
needed services to other men. This kind of attitude and good works
"glorifies our Father who is in heaven."
Another very important and major reason for the Foundation was to
better enable Mr. Armstrong to accomplish the Great Commission Christ
has given him. A strong proof that the basic concept was sound is that
despite the doubtful and disparaging comments by some of those who may
have failed to understand the founding concept, the actual results, the
fruits of the Foundation and of Quest have produced good reports from
every community in which they have been'Tnvolved. Worldwide! Even
during our most recent crisis the positive activities of the Foundation
have been producing good and uplifting reports and he"iping to diminish
negative ones.
The film on AICF presented during the recent Feast of Tabernacles
was prepared to show how the Gospel was spread in areas outside the U.S.A.
with the help of the Foundation and Quest. It explaineq how ministers
from various areas used the Foundation and Quest to �irectly and tan­
gibly further the Work. The South African area, because of a combination
of factors, was able to produce the most visible results so far. Bob
Fahey has 3 large albums clearly depicting what can be achieved and
produced by the Foundation in harmony with th� Church. I was especially
moved during the film presentation by Mr. Armstrong's closing remarks
to the Turnhalle Convention in Windhoek, Namibia.' He told them that
Jesus Christ said there is a storm coming more terrible than any before.
But that the storm would pass and the sun would.shine through. A time
of peace and prosperity would b� u�hered in by Jesus Christ. That is
the Gospel! The first contact with government leaders there was through
the Foundation.