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Income for January through July 1984 shows an increase of 113% over the same
period in 1983. The number of donors is increasing regularly. In 1983,
25.5% of our income was received from co-workers and donors. So far this
year, 30% of our income has been from co-workers and donors. The booklet
ENDING YOUR FINANCIAL WORRIES in Italian will be ready to send out by the
end of September. We expect this booklet to increase the number of co­
workers and donors.
August saw the beginning of a program which will provide our members in
Italy with translations of select GN articles and occasionally sermons re­
corded on cassette tape. We hope to send the tapes on a regular basis at
the rate of two per month. We feel that this will be of great benefit to
our members as there are as yet no regular church services in Italy.
God has placed his name on the town of Fiuggi, about 90 kilometers (55
miles) east of Rome, as the first Feast site in Italy in this modern age.
Services will be conducted in the English language with a simultaneous
translation into Italian for those needing it. Approximately 700 people
will attend from all over the world.
From Canada August saw a change of printers take place in Canada. The Oc­
tober is:ue of The PLAIN TRUTH was printed for the first time at Southam
Murray's in Toronto. Messrs. Adair, Patrickson, Burrows, Earle, and Wasil­
koff were on hand to see the first signature come off the press. Mr. Pere
Burrows will act as our agent and be present at Southam Murray's during each
print run. As with most new beginnings there were a few minor difficulties,
but these were resolved.
We received our first responses in August to the Direct Mail campaign. So
far 17,050 have requested a PLAIN TRUTH subscription.
We are looking forward to receiving our first responses to the newspaper
campaign. Five cities--Prince George, North Battleford, Moncton, Peterbor�
ough, and Red Deer--have been selected as test markets. Two types of in­
serts are being used. Results from this campaign will determine the type of
insert card to be used in the major campaign scheduled for after the Feast.
Mail income for August was up 8.2%, bringing the year-to-date increase to
12.3%. Incoming mail was up 50.6% over August, 1983, for a total of 36,727
pieces of mail. Total outgoing mail for the month was 97,123 pieces--down
18.3% from last year.
As fall sets in the number of WATS responses is beginning to climb. In Au­
gust our operators handled 1,277 calls--a 32.7% increase over the same
month last year. In the first eight months of 1984 we have received 10,833
WATS calls--a 28% increase over 1983.
We are still waiting to hear from Canada Post regarding our appeal of their
ruling on second class mailing privileges.
Perhaps the recent change of
government will have some bearing on our appeal.
Finally, we thought you might enjoy reading this short article about one of
our teen-agers in the Salmon Arm Church. It appeared in the local newspaper
and was sent to us by Mr. Rainer Salomaa, pastor of the Church there.
A Yugoslavian engineer is very thankful that Suzanne Darnell of
Salmon Arm is an honest person. While in Salmon Arm recently the