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VOL.6, N0.46
NOVEMBER 30, 1984
Mr. Dwight Armstrong was laid to rest last Friday, November 23, in Quil­
cene, Washington. About 40 were present to pay their last respects to a man
whose music has played such a vital role in God's Church for almost 40
years. Messrs. Dibar Apartian, Ralph Helge, Herman Hoeh, Roderick Meredith
and I were present for the funeral service, which was conducted by Mr.
Richard Parker, pastor of the Kent, Washington congregation. Mr. Parker,
who did an outstanding job of conducting the service, conveyed to me later
how very much encouraged Mr. Dwight Armstrong was by all the letters he re­
ceived from many of God's people. Mr. Parker said Mr. Armstrong was deeply
moved and encouraged during his last weeks, knowing how much his hymns are
appreciated by the members.
Mr. Armstrong's sister, Mary Edmondson, of Portland, Oregon, also attended.
All present joined in singing the hymn Mr. Armstrong composed from Psalm
141, "Hear My Cry Eternal One," as he had requested during his final hours.
We bade Godspeed to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Mat­
thews last week. Both families are spending a short time with relatives in
the United States before heading for Manila. In addition to conducting a
training program for the Philippine ministers, Mr. Blackwell, as the sen­
ior-ranking minister, will also serve as Regional Director for the Philip­
pines. Mr. Matthews will assist him with that responsibility, serving as
office manager. Please keep the Blackwells and Matthews in your prayers as
they undertake their new responsibilities.
By now, most U.S. pastors should have received tapes of sermons given at
their congregations' assigned Feast site. Each pastor should have received
one set for each congregation he pastors. If you have any problems with
your shipment, please notify the Ra�io Production Department.
Some have asked about Mr. Carn Catherwood's health.
Mr. Catherwood, Re­
gional Director for the Italian speaking area, conducted a very successful
Feast of Tabernacles in Italy this year, as you read in last week's PASTOR
GENERAL'S REPORT. He commented that just a few months earlier he would not
have had the strength to handle such a responsibility. But now he is feel­
ing much better, and believes he has been healed of the cancer. He still
does not have his full strength back, however, and needs our continued
prayers in this regard. As the report last week indicated, God is really
blessing the work in Italy. Mr. Catherwood needs God's continued help in
fulfilling the responsibilities Mr. Armstrong has assigned him. Thanks for
your prayerful support in this important phase, as in all phases of the work
of God's Church.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong called early this week from Bangkok and mentioned
what a successful trip this has been. He'll have quite a lot of interesting
information to relate when he returns. Thank you all for your continuing
prayers and faithful service.