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Union would undoubtedly like the switch out of New York. Vienna is not only
a neutral East-West "bridge" but is geographically close to the Soviet
Should the move to Vienna ever take place, it would indicate a significant
shift in power and influence away from the United States. The U.S. has
housed the headquarters of the UN ever since its ascendancy to first super­
power status in 1945. Should the U.S. tell the UN to pack up, the majority
of Americans might cheer--not realizing it would graphically reflect their
own nation's relative decline. As Hans J. Morganthau wrote in his text POL­
ITICS AMONG NATIONS, "the shift from one favorite meeting place to another
symbolizes a shift in the preponderance of power."
This highly probable shift would also enhance the prestige of Europe and
play no small role in any future ties between Eastern and Western nations in
In summary, the Hong Kong treaty signed in Peking and the possible reloca­
tion of the United Nations indicate that, prophetically-speaking, the for­
tunes of modern-day Ephraim and Manasseh continue to diminish. Americans,
presently rolling along on a patriotic high plane, are not as aware of this
fact as they should be. And as for Ephraim: " ••• gray hairs are here and
there on him, yet he does not know it" (Hosea 7:9 RAV).
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau