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(Not to be Announced)
Due to inquiries received regarding Mr. Carlton Green,
we feel it is necessary to advise the ministry that Mr.
Green's resignation from both the ministry and the
Church has been requested and accepted. Mrs. Green re­
mains a member in good standing. This notice is not,
and should not be considered a marking of Mr. Green.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Asia
BOMBAY, INDIA--BILL SIDNEY: There has been widespread violence in
the wake of Mrs. Gandhi's assassination. However, God has pro­
tected His people and none· of our members were affected.
death toll was probably in excess of 3,000.
Then the eastern
side of India was hit by a cyclone, resulting in about 500
deaths. Our members in the region were unaffected. The brethren
were very inspired by Mr. Waterhouse's visit. Some are experi­
encing severe Sabbath trials, but they are faithfully putting the
outcome in God's hands.
There is an increasing
number of PLAIN TRUTH readers who are requesting visits.
general problem that faces them is keeping the Sabbath. Jobs are
difficult to get when one doesn't work on Saturdays.
they are challenged to trust in God to obey His commandments. A
few who were determined to believe God and do what He says are now
attending Sabbath services.
From Australia
PERTH, WA--BOB REGAZZOLI: This month saw a very concentrated dose
of instruction on the family with the marriage sermon tape by Dr.
Zimmerman, the child rearing seminar conducted by Mr. Bill Win­
ner, and with the Bible study and sermon on the District Weekend
relating to the family. We look forward to much more fruit being
borne in this area of life.
CANBERRA, ACT--ROD KING: God has moved powerfully in several mem­
bers' lives since the Feast. One man had a heart attack four days
after returning. It was touch and go for about two days in the
Coronary Care Unit. After the Church prayed for him he made a
dramatic recovery. He has a family of seven children at home. It
has brought the whole family together. Also, a young PM was dra­
matically healed of spinal injuries suffered in a car accident.
An x-ray showed the vertebrae are all back in position. All pain
had left her.